Dragon Bonding & A Wedding

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Jon Snow had always been a bit of a loner, content to keep to himself and focus on his duties as the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. But since his resurrection by Melisandre and the revelation that he was actually Jaeharys Targaryen, son of Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark, he had found himself thrust into the center of a political maelstrom.

As the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, Jon had found himself surrounded by courtiers and advisors vying for his attention and trying to mold him into the ruler they wanted him to be. But Jon had always felt most comfortable around the Starks of Winterfell, which was part of the reason he had returned to the North with his half-sister Sansa and to seek out his half-brothers Bran and Rickon, hoping to find some sense of family and belonging.

He had no idea the brother, who was actually his cousin, that he believed had been murdered, was alive.

Nor did he expect for Lady Catelyn to apologize for treating him poorly when she thought he was her husband's bastard.

Here he stood, just outside of Winterfell, his heart pounding in his chest as he gazed at the majestic dragon, Rhaegal, whom had been named after his father, Rhaegar. The beast's scales glinted in the sunlight, and its piercing gaze seemed to bore into Jon's very soul.

He knew that if he could somehow bond with Rhaegal, it would not only prove his claim to the Iron Throne but also secure a marriage pact between him and Daenerys, the Mother of Dragons. With her assistance, they could stand a chance against the army of the dead that was quickly approaching from the North.

Jon took a deep breath and slowly walked forward, careful not to make any sudden movements that might agitate the dragon. As he drew closer, he could feel the warmth radiating from Rhaegal's massive body and smell the acrid scent of smoke that seemed to cling to his scales. The dragon let out a low rumble, its powerful chest vibrating beneath Jon's hand.

He remembered what Samwell had told him about learning the High Valyrian words to speak with the dragons. But at this moment, it all seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of calm and understanding that transcended language. Jon felt as if he had known Rhaegal all his life, as if they shared some deep connection that went beyond mere words.

The dragon let out another low rumble, and this time, Jon felt a tingle of warmth spread through his body. It was as if Rhaegal were acknowledging him, accepting him as his own. With a sense of awe and humility, Jon continued to approach the magnificent creature. He reached out a hand, slowly and carefully, unsure of what to expect.

But Rhaegal didn't recoil or attack. Instead, he leaned forward slightly, as if inviting Jon to pet him. The touch of his scaly skin against Jon's hand was unlike anything he had ever felt before. It was rough and warm, yet strangely comforting. As he stroked the dragon's snout, Jon felt a connection forming between them that defied language.

He realized then that it didn't matter if he knew High Valyrian or not. The bond he had formed with Rhaegal went beyond words. It was a connection forged from trust, respect, and the shared knowledge that they were both survivors in a world that often seemed determined to destroy them.

As Jon continued to stroke the dragon's snout, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. The chaos and turmoil of court life faded away, replaced by the serene majesty of Rhaegal's presence. He knew that this dragon, this creature of legend and myth, would be a key factor in uniting the Seven Kingdoms against the coming darkness.

With each passing moment, Jon felt his connection to Rhaegal deepen. He could sense the dragon's emotions, feel the ebb and flow of its thoughts and desires. It was as if they were sharing the same mind, the same soul. And somehow, through this bond, Jon knew that Rhaegal would help him save not only the living, but also the realm.

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