Defense Preparations

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The moon hung low in the sky, casting a pale light over the ancient castle of Winterfell. The wind howled through the abandoned towers, carrying with it a sense of foreboding that seemed to linger in every shadow. Morgana Baratheon, wife of Robb Stark and Queen Of The North, stood before a pile of glowing embers in the Great Hall, her thoughts consumed by the task at hand. She carefully arranged a cluster of amethyst crystals around the fire, their violet hues seeming to radiate an otherworldly calm.

Hela, Morgana's trusted advisor and friend, approached her, her dark eyes gleaming in the firelight. "You are certain this is the correct way to go about it?" she asked softly. Morgana looked up at her, her expression determined. "I have done my research, Hela. Amethyst is the stone of spirituality and contentment. It will bring stability and inner peace to those who are surrounded by it."

"Very well, my queen," Hela said, inclining her head. "Then let us see to the other crystals. Obsidian along the entranceways to cleanse and clear, transmutating negative energy back to where it belongs. Obsidian is also a natural healing stone, which is meant to help process emotions." The pair moved silently through the castle, placing obsidian stones at strategic points, feeling a sense of weight lifting from their shoulders as they did so.

Next, they turned their attention to the chambers where Morgana's infant sons, Eddard and Robert, slept. They fashioned talismans from labradorite, carving intricate designs into the smooth, cool stones. "These will protect them from fear," Hela explained, "and help them find order in the chaos that is sure to come." Morgana nodded, tears welling in her eyes at the thought of losing her boys. But she found solace in the knowledge that she was doing everything within her power to keep them safe.

They moved on to the nursery, where they found their trusted maidservant, Sirena, tending to her duties. Her face was pale and drawn, the result of a recent injury she had sustained while protecting Morgana. Seeing this, they provided her with a pouch of citrine stones, explaining that the healing properties of the stones would help her body to heal and her spirits to recover. Sirena bowed her head in gratitude, her eyes filling with tears.

As they continued their journey through the castle, they placed fire agate stones at strategic points, creating a protective barrier around the entire structure. Fire agate is known for its courage-enhancing and protective properties, making it an ideal choice for safeguarding against the unseen forces that lurked in the shadows. It also helped to dispel fear and anxiety, which was much needed in the current climate.

The also placed a Fire Agate in the throne room, where she and Robb would sit and rule over the North. "This stone of courage, protection and strength will serve him well in the days to come," Hela said, placing the agate on the two thrones. "It will help him remain steadfast and focused, even when faced with unimaginable horrors." Morgana nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of the burden her husband would soon bear.

The pair moved on to the stables, where they found the men of the Night's Watch standing watch. They gifted each one with a piece of black tourmaline, carved into the shape of a wolf's head. Black tourmaline is known for its grounding and protective properties, and was meant to shield the men from harm as they ventured out into the world. The Night's Watch accepted the gifts gratefully, their eyes filled with respect and admiration for the queen who had gone to such great lengths to protect them.

Next, they visited the great library, where the maesters and scholars were busy studying ancient tomes and scribing new scrolls. They placed a cluster of rose quartz stones throughout the room, infusing it with love and peace. Rose quartz is known for its healing and balancing properties, and was meant to help the maesters find harmony within themselves and their work. The maesters bowed their heads in reverence, feeling the weight of the world lift from their shoulders if only for a moment.

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