A Brief Reprieve

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[King's Landing]

As the sun set over King's Landing, the city was filled with tension. They seemed to have been granted a temporary reprieve in their battle against the dead.

Soldiers from the North, the Wildlings, the Martells of Dorne, the Velaryons of Driftmark, the Baratheon loyalists of the Stormlands and the Lannisters of Casterly Rock had gathered for a meeting that could determine the fate of Westeros. The Vale Knights were also present, their presence a testament to the delicate balance of power in the realm.

But two key figures were noticeably absent - Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. Despite their recent victory against the Army of the Dead, the rumors of Jon's demise and Daenerys being carried off by Drogon after being stabbed had left a sense of unease among those who had gathered.

Meanwhile, Ser Davos Seaworth leaned against a pillar, his weary eyes flickering between the various factions represented in the hall. As the former smuggler turned knight, he had seen firsthand the devastation wrought by the Army of the Dead, and he knew that the only way to truly defeat them was through unity and cooperation.

But as the night wore on, it became clear that such unity was easier said than done.

The Martells seethed with anger towards the Lannisters, who they held responsible for the destruction of Dorne and the death of their beloved Princess Elia and her two children, Rhaenys and Aegon. The Velaryons watched the proceedings with cool detachment. And the Vale Knights remained alert, wondering if any of their fellow nobles would attempt to strike at them while they were unprotected.

But despite these tensions, there was one thing that brought everyone together: fear. Fear of the Night King and his army of the dead. For even though they had defeated the wights that had threatened King's Landing, the fact remained that the Night King himself had yet to make an appearance. It was as if he was waiting for something, biding his time before striking again. And without Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen to help protect them, the people of King's Landing felt vulnerable and exposed.

Queen of the North, Morgana Baratheon, and her husband, King Robb Stark, stood on the dais in front of everyone.

"I stand here before you, asking for information on the whereabouts of Jon Snow." Morgana announced.

Instantly, people began muttering. Morgana was able to discern a few words; 'Night King', 'Daenerys' and 'house'.

"If anyone has seen Jon Snow or has any information regarding his whereabouts, we beg you to come forward," Morgana pleaded, her voice strained. "We cannot defeat the Night King without him."

A hush fell over the hall as she spoke. Eyes shifted and glances were exchanged, but no one volunteered any information. Morgana's heart sank, fearing the worst. She looked to Ser Davos for support, but he merely shook his head. He too had heard nothing.

"Perhaps," Ser Davos began, "we should consider sending out search parties to scour the city." His voice was calm, but there was an underlying urgency that could not be ignored.

Morgana could not deny it was a good idea. Plus, with the reprieve they had been granted, they didn't have to worry about running into wights or White Walkers.

As she looked at her husband, she saw he also agreed.

"I think that is a wise idea," King Robb Stark said, nodding. "We shall send out search parties immediately. In the meantime, we shall have some remain behind to continue our discussions on how best to proceed in this time of crisis."

Ser Davos Seaworth stepped forward, speaking up. "My lords, ladies, and knights, I would like to remind everyone that the most important thing we can do right now is to put aside our differences and work together. The Night King does not care who sits on the Iron Throne, or which family rules which kingdom. He cares only about ending our existence. Let us not forget that."

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