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[King's Landing - Ned Stark's Chambers]

Ned had been sleeping after his injury. However, when he awoke, he was met by the sight of his friend, the King, and the Queen.

"Your pardon, your Grace. I would rise, but..."

"Do you know what your wife has done?" Cersei interrupted.

"She did nothing I did not command."

"Who'd have thought she had it in her?" Robert quipped.

"By what right dare you lay hands on my blood?" Cersei questioned.

"I am the King's Hand, charged with keeping the peace..."

"You were the King's Hand. You shall now be held accountable."

"Will both of you shut your mouths?! Catelyn will release Tyrion and you'll make your peace with Jaime."

"He butchered my men..."

"Lord Stark was returning drunk from a brоthеl when his men attacked Jaime." Cersei accused.

"Quiet, woman." Robert commanded.

"Jaime has fled the city. Give me leave to bring him back to justice."

Robert stared at Ned.

"I took you for a King."

"Hold your tongue."

"He's attacked one of my brothers and abducted the other. I should wear the armor and you the gown." Robert slapped her. "I shall wear this like a badge of honour."

"Wear it in silence or I'll honour you again."

Cersei looked at Ned, back at Robert, then left the room.

"See what she does to me?" He poured wine from a goblet into a cup. "My loving wife. I should not have hit her." He sat down on the bed, facing away from Ned. "That was not... That was not Kingly." He guzzled the wine.

"If we don't act, there will be a war."

"So tell your wife to return that little sh¡t of an Imp to King's Landing. She's had her fun, now put an end to it. You hear me? Send a raven and put an end to it."

"And what about Jaime Lannister?"

Robert grimaced. "What about Jaime?"

"I'm half a Kingdom in debt to his bloody father! I don't know what happened between you and those yellow-haired sh¡ts. I don't want to know. This is what matters... I can't rule the Kingdoms if the Starks and the Lannisters are at each other's throats. So enough."

"As you command, your Grace. With your leave, I will return to Winterfell and set matters straight."

"Piss on that. Send a raven. I want you to stay. I'm the King. I get what I want.... I nevr loved my brothers. A sad thing for a man to admit, but it's true. You were the brother I chose." Looking back at Ned, he stood up. "We'll talk when I return from the hunt." He threw the 'hand's badge' at him.

"The hunt? "

Robert started walking towards the door. "Killing things clears my head." He was now at the door. "You'll have to sit on the throne while I'm away. You'll hate it more than I do."

"The Targaryen girl..." Ned asked, hoping his friend had changed his mind.

Robert opened the door, preparing to leave. "Seven hells! Don't start with her again. You sound like Morgana. The girl will die and I'll hear no more of it. Put on the badge. And if you evrr take it off again, I swear to the Mother I'll pin the damned thing on Jaime Lannister. " Robert exited, closing the door behind him.

Ned picked up the badge, looking over it. Was it truly worth it?

[Princess Morgana's Chambers]

She had just received word her father had organized a hunt. Given her nightmare, this was not welcome news to the princess.

Why did he have to drink so much? Why couldn't he just stay home and rule the kingdom like a proper king? He was supposed to protect her, not put himself in danger every time he went on one of these foolish hunts.

Morgana made her way to the courtyard, hoping the fresh air would help clear her thoughts. As she walked, she heard the sound of armor clanking and men shouting. She quickened her pace, worried that another accident might have happened.

When she reached the courtyard, she saw her worst fears confirmed. Her father, surrounded by his knights and guards, her uncle Renly, and squire, Lancel Lannister, was preparing to depart for yet another hunt.

She had begged him countless times not to go, to no avail. He always laughed at her concerns, telling her that he was the greatest hunter in all the Seven Kingdoms and that no boar or stag could ever harm him.

But tonight, Morgana's fear was stronger than ever. She felt it in her bones, a deep certainty that something terrible was going to happen. She dressed quickly and made her way down to the courtyard, determined to stop her father from leaving. As she entered the bustling space, she saw the king mounted on his horse, his retainers gathered around him. She ran towards them, her heart heavy with worry.

"Father, please don't go!" she cried, seizing his arm. "I have a bad feeling about this hunt. Something is going to happen, I can feel it."

King Robert looked down at her, his eyes bleary and unfocused. "Don't fuss, my dear," he said, patting her hand. "I'll be back soon, and we'll have a grand feast to celebrate my return. Now run along and get some rest."

But Morgana knew better. She knew that her father wouldn't come back, not this time. And she knew that she would nevr be able to shake off the feeling of dread that followed her everywhere, alwys lurking just beneath the surface.

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