Returning To King's Landing

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Throne Room]

In the opulent throne room of King's Landing, Joffrey Baratheon sat upon his seat of power, surrounded by his loyal courtiers and guards. His pale, pudgy face was flushed with excitement as he gazed out at the assembly before him. Today was a day of triumph for the young king, for his beloved sister, Morgana, had been returned to the capital after montgs spent in the company of his enemy, Robb Stark.

As Princess Morgana Baratheon entered the grand throne room of King's Landing, she was surrounded by a group of burly men-at-arms who were loyal only to her. Dressed in the armor and livery of House Bolton, they had been carefully selected to pose as the late Lord Roose Bolton's guardsmen, and their presence was meant to send a message to those gathered within the castle walls. Despite their armor and weapons, they were not the usual guardsmen one would expect to see in the capital city of the Seven Kingdoms. These men were different - their faces were scarred and hardened, their eyes cold and calculating.

For weeks, rumors had been circulating throughout the Seven Kingdoms that the Red Wedding at the Twins had resulted in the death of Robb Stark, King In The North, and his mother, Catelyn. But Morgana knew better. She had secretly sent them to the free city of Volantis for their own protection, knowing that the Lannisters would stop at nothing to eliminate any potential threats to their power.

Joffrey sat upon the Iron Throne, his piercing gaze fixed upon his older sister, Morgana, who stood before him, her head held high. Her once-proud form was now reduced to a shadow of its former self, her eyes sunken and her beauty tarnished by the weight of her grief; the image of a widow grieving her husband.

"Welcome home, dear sister," Joffrey said with a smirk, his voice dripping with malice. "I trust your journey south was... enlightening."

Morgana's eyes flashed with anger as she approached the throne, her gown rustling softly behind her. She knew exactly how much her brother enjoyed tormenting her, and she refused to give him the satisfaction of showing any weakness.

Joffrey leaned forward, his voice dripping with malice. "I must say, I am quite disappointed in you, Morgana. You were supposed to be my loyal ally, my sister, yet you betrayed me by marrying that insignificant Stark boy." His laughter echoed through the throne room.

"I am alive," she said, her voice low and steady, "because I have the grace of the gods, and because my brother sees fit to keep me around. But do not think for a moment that my presence here means I have forgotten what happened to my husband and mother-in-law. Their blood is on your hands, Joffrey, and it will stain your soul forevr."

Joffrey laughed, his face twisted into a mockery of a smile. "Ah, but you see, Morgana, I did not kill them. I simply allowed their deaths to happen. And now, I have given you the gift of life, merely because you carry the heir to the North within your womb."

Morgana's hand went to her abdomen protectively, but she refused to let Joffrey see her weakness.

"One by one you make enemies of us all!"

"You speak treason!"

"Only a mad man hears the truth as treason." She stared at him defiantly. "Go right ahead, laugh at the girl who loved too easily. But I would rather have lived my life than yours Joff. No one will evrr sit around the table, telling stories about the man who couldn't love." She took out her dagger, an ornate blade, and handed it to him, guiding his hand, until the knife rested directly over her heart. "Do it. Look me in the eye and do it you coward, do it!"

The crowd watched with bated breath Joffrey's eyes narrowed nds he took the dagger from his sister. For a moment, Morgana thought he might actually do it - might take her life here and now, in front of their mother and the entire court. But then, Cersei stepped forward, her face a mask of concern.

"Joffrey, no!" she cried, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Morgana is grieving, she doesn't know what she says."

Joffrey hesitated, his grip on the dagger loosening. "But why would she give me this?" he asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

Cersei smiled sweetly, her voice dripping with honey. "She's pregnant, dear son. Her womb is filled with new life, just as your own heart is filled with goodness and mercy."

Morgana watched as her mother spun her web of lies, the fabric of truth stretched thin around them all.

As she exited, she let out a secret smile, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew that she had already won, even if Joffrey did not realize it yet. She had successfully deceived her family into believing that her husband had been killed in the Red Wedding, when in reality, he was still alive and waiting for the right moment to strike back against those who had wronged him.

For now, she must play the role of loyal sister and pretend to be grateful for Joffrey's "mercy". The game of thrones was nevr easy, but she was determined to survive, no matter the cost.

[Princess Morgana's Chambers]

Princess Morgana Baratheon lay in her bed, surrounded by the opulent fabrics and luxurious tapestries of the Red Keep. It was her first night back in King's Landing after a long journey in the Riverlands, and she was eager to explore the city and reconnect with her family and subjects. But as she drifted off to sleep, she was plagued by a familiar feeling - the sense of being watched.

At first, she tried to ignore it, telling herself it was just her imagination playing tricks on her. But as the minutes ticked by, the sensation grew stronger, until she could feel a presence hovering over her, watching her every move. She opened her eyes to find a figure standing beside her bed, shrouded in shadows.

"Who are you?" Morgana demanded, trying to keep her voice steady despite the fear that gripped her heart.

The figure stepped forward, revealing a woman with skin as pale as moonlight and hair like spun silver. Her eyes were kind and wise, and yet, there was something otherworldly about her.

"I am your guide," the woman replied, her voice soft and melodic. "I have been with you since you were born, whispering words of comfort and strength in your ear when you needed them most."

Morgana frowned, confused. She had alwys experienced night terrors and heard voices in her head, but never like this before. This voice was different, calm and soothing, and it seemed to hold secrets and knowledge beyond her comprehension.

"What do you want from me?" she asked, her curiosity piqued despite her unease.

"I have come to teach you about your true nature," the guide replied. "You are not like others, Morgana. You possess powers beyond the understanding of mortal men and women. Powers that can be both a blessing and a curse."

Morgana felt a surge of excitement mixed with trepidation. She had alwys known she was different, but she had nevr understood why. Now, for the first time, she felt like she might begin to unravel the mysteries of her own existence.

"Tell me more," she urged, leaning forward in her bed, eager to learn. "How do I control them?" she asked, determined to learn everything she could.

"That is something only you can discover," the voice said. "But I will be here to guide you, every step of the way."

And with that, the figure vanished, leaving Morgana alone once again. But this time, she felt a sense of peace, knowing that she was not alone, and that someone was watching over her. Someone who could help her unlock the secrets of her powers, and maybe even bring some justice to her family's memory.

She would learn how to harness her abilities, how to control them, and how to use them for good. And when she did, she knew that her future would be filled with wonder and magic, and that she would become a force to be reckoned with in the Seven Kingdoms.

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