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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Cersei's Chambers]

Cersei sat in her chambers, staring into the flames of the fireplace as Qyburn, her loyal advisor, approached her with a look of grave concern on his face. "Your Grace," he said, his voice low and urgent. "I have news of your daughter, Morgana."

Cersei tensed, unable to shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her stomach since the attempt on her life. "Speak," she commanded, forcing herself to remain calm.

"I'm afraid the mission to retrieve your daughter and grandsons has failed, Your Grace," Qyburn said. "We have lost contact with the men sent to retrieve them. It's possible they were discovered by Lord Stark's forces."

Cersei felt a chill run down her spine. "You're certain?" she asked, her voice strained.

"I am afraid so, Your Grace," Qyburn replied. "There has been no word from the men we sent, and any sign of them has been lost in the chaos of the war."

Cersei sighed heavily, her chest tightening. She knew she should feel relieved that her daughter and grandchildren were safe, but the thought of them being out there, in harm's way... it was unbearable. She forced herself to look at Qyburn, hoping for some sliver of hope.

"What of Lord Stark's forces?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Do we have any indication of their movements, or plans?"

"We have seen no evidence that they are intent on seeking out your disposal, Your Grace," Qyburn replied. "However, the situation is still very fluid. The undead army continues to march south, and Lord Stark's army remains a threat to your reign."

Cersei nodded, her thoughts spinning. She couldn't help but wonder if there was some way she could use the chaos of the war to her advantage. Perhaps if she played her cards right, she could still reunite with her daughters and secure her place on the Iron Throne. But for now, her focus had to be on survival.

"Keep me informed of any developments, Qyburn," she said, her voice firm once more. "I want to know everything that is happening, both within King's Landing and beyond our walls."

As Qyburn took his leave, Cersei found herself unable to shake the feeling that something was still amiss. Despite Lord Stark's apparent disinterest in her fate, she couldn't help but feel as though she was being toyed with. There were too many players in this game, and she could no longer trust anyone.

She rose from her seat and paced the length of the chamber, lost in thought. The thought of Morgana and her grandsons filled her heart with both joy and despair. She knew that they were safe, but the thought of being apart from them was unbearable. She longed to see them again, to hold them in her arms and pretend that the world outside their door didn't exist.

Cersei stopped by the window, staring out at the city below. The streets were quiet, eerily so, despite the ongoing war. A war that was now known as the War of the Two Queens, despite

As she stood there, lost in thought, she couldn't help but wonder about her other daughter, Myrcella. She had been sent to Dorne to marry Prince Trystane Martell, but with the war raging on and Morgana's safety uncertain, Cersei found herself worrying about her youngest child as well. She hoped that Myrcella would be safe in the Martell stronghold, but the thought of losing her too was almost unbearable.

Cersei sighed heavily and turned away from the window. She knew she needed to focus on the present, on maintaining her grip on power and surviving the war. But her heart ached for her children, for the life she had once known and the family she had once been a part of. She wondered if they were feeling the same way, if they were able to find any sort of solace or comfort amidst the chaos and destruction.

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