Heir Arrested

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Courtyard]

Upon hearing word of his sister's imprisonment, Loras had upped his efforts to resolve the crush the rebel pirates. In the process, he had sustained a serious wound to his torso.

But, with the rebellion crushed, at least for now, Loras rushed back to King's Landing. To his sister.

Upon his arrival in the courtyard, a number of Faith's Militant, all armed, walked down a stairwell.

The militants, including Lancel, approach the soldiers.

Loras, having carefully dismounted his horse, removed his helmet. He handed his sword to another man, who handed Loras a drink for the pain. It was then he suddenly became aware of the presence of the militants.

"Seize him." One of them ordered.

The militants grabbed Loras.

"Get your hands off of me."

"Ser Loras of House Tyrell, you have broken the laws of Gods and men." Lancel announced.

"Who do you think you are?"


Loras grunted and struggled, but quickly relented due the pain from his wound.

[Red Keep - Morgana's Chambers]

In the luxurious chambers of Red Keep, Princess Morgana Baratheon sat in stunned silence, her eyes fixed on the parchment in her trembling hands. The news it bore was too absurd to be true - Ser Loras Tyrell, had been arrested on charges of fornication. The very thought of it made her blood boil with anger.

Morgana's mind raced with thoughts of who could be behind this vile plot. She knew that her mother, Queen Cersei, had always had a deep dislike for the Tyrells, but she had nevr thought that she would stoop so low as to have them arrested on false charges.

But then, she remembered the rumors that had been circulating about her Uncle Renly and Loras. The whispers of their supposed affair had been all but ignored by the court, but now, it seemed that they had been used as a weapon against Loras.

Her mother already had Margaery arrested on charges of adultery, likely false. But, she had to have known Loras would come rushing back to defend his sister.

That's it.

She used their closeness to their detriment.

If there was one thing she could appreciate about the Tyrells, when she was able to look past their obvious desire for power, they were a family that truly cared about one another.

Something that was rare in the world of Westeros.

It was a trait she saw in so many of the noble families of Westeros, the constant jockeying for position and influence. Even those who professed to be her friends and allies seemed to have an ulterior motive, always looking for ways to further their own family's status.

But Morgana was different. She had nevr been one to crave power for its own sake. She believed in loyalty and love, and she believed that these things should be valued above all else. In a world where families were constanly at odds with one another, where loyalty was a rare and precious thing, Morgana held fast to her own sense of values.

Families like the Baratheons and the Tyrells had risen to power through blood and steel, as well as wealth and influence, and their bannermen were bound to them by ties of duty and obligation. But Morgana knew that these ties were not alwys strong enough to withstand the temptation of power and ambition.

She had seen it time and time again: families who had once been united in their loyalty to the Iron Throne, but who had been torn apart by their own desires for power and glory. She had watched as once-loyal bannermen had turned against each other, their families torn asunder by the very ambition that had once driven them to greatness.

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