Letters & A Wedding

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Morgana's Chambers]

Princess Morgana Baratheon sat before a small table, quill and parchment at hand. She dipped the nib into the inkwell and began to write, her thoughts pouring onto the page as she penned a letter to her dear friend, Sansa Stark. It had been months since they last spoke, and much had changed since then.

Morgana heard through her spirit guide that Sansa had fled King's Landing after Joffrey's untimely demise at their own wedding feast, seeking refuge with Lord Petyr Baelish in the Vale. The news left Morgana both relieved and concerned for her friend's well-being.

As she wrote, Morgana learned from her guides that Baelish had plans to marry Sansa to Ramsay Bolton, the bastard son of Roose Bolton, who was rumored to be cruel beyond measure. Morgana knew that Sansa would nevr be safe in his hands. The thought sent shivers down Morgana's spine. How could anyone subject sweet Sansa to such a fate?

Determined to protect her friend, Morgana poured all her hopes and dreams into the letter. She told Sansa of her plan to reclaim Winterfell from the usurpers who had taken it, and how she needed her by his side to rally the North. She urged Sansa to join them, promising safety and protection under her banner.

My dearest Sansa,

I hope this letter finds you well and safe in the Vale. I know that you have fled King's Landing after the unfortunate events at Joffrey's wedding. I cannot begin to imagine what you must have gone through, but I want you to know that I am here for you, alwys.

I have reason to believe that Littlefinger has plans to marry you off to that monster Ramsay Bolton. But what you may not know is that Ramsey is said to be crueler than any man in the Seven Kingdoms. His actions are so depraved and sadistic that even the most hardened men at the Wall shudder at the mere mention of his name. Please tell me this is not true! My heart aches at the thought of you being subjected to such horrors.

If it is indeed true, then I implore you to seek help from your half-brother Jon Snow at the Wall. He will protect you, I am certain of it. You can trust him with your life, and I know he will do everything in his power to keep you safe.

Remember, my dear sister, that the North remembers. They may not have the power or wealth of the Lannisters, but they have something far more valuable - our honor, our loyalty, and our courage. And we will reclaim what is rightfully ours, including Winterfell.

Please, my dear sister, be careful. Write back to me as soon as you can, and let me know if there is anything I can do to assist you. I fear for your safety every moment until I hear from you.

Your loving sister,

Morgana Baratheon

As she sealed the letter and handed it to a messenger raven, Morgana prayed that Sansa would find the strength to escape Baelish's clutches and join her family in their fight for justice. For in the world of Westeros, where the seasons were long and the winds howled with the cries of the dead, only the strongest survived.

It was now time to attend her brother's wedding.

Morgana made her way through the grand halls, her heavy pregnancy causing her to move slowly and carefully. She had been invited to attend the wedding of her brother, Tommen, to Margaery Tyrell, who was not only the widow of her brother Joffrey but also her uncle Renly. The thought of it all made her stomach turn, but she knew that this alliance was necessary for the future of their kingdom.

She passed by rows of servants and guards as they made their way towards the great sept where the ceremony would take place. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and incense, and the sound of laughter and chatter filled the hallways.

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