Fears Realized

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Morgana's Chambers]

As Princess Morgana Baratheon sat in her chambers, surrounded by the opulent finery and luxurious fabrics that had been her birthright for as long as she could remember, she couldn't shake off the feeling of impending doom. Heavily pregnant with twins, and feeling ready to pop, she felt vulnerable and alone.

But it wasn't just her own personal fears that weighed on her mind - it was the news that had reached her ears earlier that day, of an ambush led by the Faith Militant in the streets of King's Landing. The group, a powerful religious order that had been disbanded for centuries, re-armed by her own mother, Queen Cersei, and led by the enigmatic High Sparrow, had taken to the streets, destroying brothels and punishing those they deemed to be sinners.

Morgana knew that this was a terrible mistake. She had alwys believed that the Faith should be a source of comfort and guidance, not a tool for oppression and violence. But her mother seemed determined to use the Faith to consolidate her power, no matter the cost. And now, it seemed that the cost would be paid in blood.

She sat in her chambers, listening to the chaos that raged outside. She knew that she should be safe within the castle walls, but the sound of shouts and cries pierced even the thick stone blocks that surrounded her. Her heart raced as she thought of her unborn children, twins who kicked and squirmed inside her womb. How could she protect them from this madness?

Morgana knew that the Faith Militant's growing power and influence within the kingdom was a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode. And now, it seemed that explosion was imminent.

She knew that her mother had made a grave mistake in arming these radicals, and now the consequences of that decision were becoming all too clear. Morgana feared for the future of her family, her kingdom, and her own life.

What would happen to her if they discovered she possessed magical abilities?

Tommen, her brother and the current king, was rumored to be a bastard, the product of her mother's incestuous relationship with her twin brother.

Morgana's own fate was intertwined with the rise of the Faith Militant. Rumors abounded that she possessed magical powers, and while she had nevr confirmed or denied these claims, she knew that the people of King's Landing whispered behind her back, calling her a sorceress and a threat to the realm.

This would make her a target for the Faith Militant's ruthless persecution of those deemed "impure".

But it was not just her own reputation that worried her. She had heard tales of the High Sparrow's ruthless tactics, his ability to sway the faithful with his charismatic words and his willingness to do whatever it took to achieve his goals. And with her mother's support, he was becoming increasingly powerful, his influence spreading like wildfire throughout the city.

Morgana took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She had to think clearly, to find a way to stop her mother before it was too late. She would speak to her, reason with her, and make her see the error of her ways. For the sake of her unborn children, for the sake of her family, and for the sake of the realm, she would do whatever it took to prevent the return of the Faith Militant's tyranny.

Wanting to inform her mother of her concerns, she asked one of her handmaidens to summon her.

"Mother, I cannot shake the feeling that this is a grave mistake," Morgana said, her voice trembling slightly as she clutched at her swollen stomach. "We have seen what happens when the Faithful gain too much power and influence. They become fanatics, willing to do anything in the name of their gods."

Cersei sat beside her daughter, her expression stern and unyielding. "I understand your worries, my dear. But we need the Faith Militant now more than ever. The Tyrells and the Martells are growing too powerful, and we must counter their influence if we are to maintain our hold on the Seven Kingdoms."

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