War Is Here

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[Sept of Baelor]

Upon seeing her father beheaded, Sansa promptly fainted.

After the execution of Ned Stark, Ilyn Payne paraded the bloodied sword and the Hound picked up Ned's head to show it to the rapturous townsfolk.

Arya, again had her eyes closed and her face pressed against Yoren's chest.

"Look at me. Look at me! Do you remember me now, boy, eh? Remember me? There's a bright boy. You'll be coming with me, boy, and you'll be keeping your mouth shut." Yoren took Arya with him away from the mob and into a flight of stairs. "Keep your mouth shut, boy." He took out a knife.

"l'm not a boy!"

"You're not a smart boy, is that what you're trying to say? Do you want to live, boy?!" He started cutting Arya's hair as the screams and shouts from the crowd were heard above. "North, boy, we're going north."

Princess Morgana had an entirely different reaction than either Stark sister.

As the axe made contact, a blood-curdling scream rent the air.

It was Princess Morgana Baratheon, her eyes wide with horror and grief. She had been watching the proceedings from behind beside her mother, but now she could no longer contain herself. Her cry of anguish pierced through the stillness like a sword, shattering the fragile calm that had descended over the gathering.

The sound waves from her voice hit the stained glass windows along the walls of the hall, causing them to explode into thousands of tiny pieces. Shards of colored glass rained down on the terrified crowd below, sending them scrambling for cover. Chaos erupted as people stampeded towards the exits, desperate to escape the danger.

In the midst of the pandemonium, Princess Morgana stood frozen in place, her hands covering her mouth in shock. She had nevr shown such emotion before, not even when her father King Robert had died. But the sight of her her father's dearest friend, a man who was almost like another uncle, being executed like a common criminal had broken something within her.

The scene outside the Great Sept quickly devolved into bedlam, with people shouting and running wildly, trying to get away from the falling glass and the chaos it had unleashed. But amidst all the confusion and fear, one thing was clear: Princess Morgana's outburst had changed everything. The fate of the realm would nevr be the same again.

[Stark War Camp]

Catelyn Stark walked alone through the Stark camp.

"My lady. My lady. My lady." Several Stark bannerman bowed to her respectfully as she passed.

They had just received word it was too late to save her husband. He had been beheaded on the orders of the new King.

Princess Morgana had sent them a letter, informing them of the news as well as offering an apology.

She reached a small forest outside the camp and collapsed in grief by one of the trees, crying and sobbing. She heard some screams and the sound of a sword slashing wood nearby. As she got closer, she realized it was her son, Robb, fully armoured, slashing his sword against a tree while crying.

"Robb. Robb! You've ruined your sword. "

Robb dropped his sword to the ground and went to his mother.

She hugged him and caressed his neck, trying to console him. "Shh! Shh! Shh!"

"I'll kill them all. Every one of them. I will kill them all."

"My boy. They have your sisters. We have to get the girls back. And then we will kill them all."

There was nothing they could do but grieve and fight.

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