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[King's Landing - Small Council Chamber]

The small council sat at their table. Alton Lannister stood nearby as Cersei read the letter aloud.

"From this time until the end of time, we are not part of your realm, but a free and independent Kingdom of the North." She ripped the letter. " He has more spirit than his father, I'll give him that."

"You've perfected the art of tearing up papers. Give him his father's bones back, at least, as a gesture of good faith." Tyrion told her.

"You'll give the Starks our reply, cousin?"

"I will, Your Grace."

"Did you see my brother when you were the Starks guest?" Cersei asked, causing Varys and Baelish to look annoyed.

"I did. They have not broken his spirit, Your Grace."

"If you speak with him, tell him he's not been forgotten."

"I will, Your Grace."

"Safe travels, cousin." Tyrion bid as Alton left the room, followed by two gold cloaks.

"You have a deft hand with diplomacy." Tyrion commented.

"If that's everything?" Cersei asked.

"A raven flew in this morning from Castle Black." Pycelle handed a letter to Tyrion, who unfurled it and began reading.

"Trouble with the wildlings?" Varys asked.

"That's why they're called wildlings." Baelish commented.

"Somewhat less wild these days. It seems they've stopped killing each other and started following this King-Beyond-the-Wall." Varys informed them.

"Another king? How many is that now, Five? I've lost count." Cersei said.

"Lord Commander asks that we send more men to man The Wall." Tyrion told them.

"Perhaps he's forgotten we're fighting a war. We have no men to spare." Cersei replied.

"Cold winds are rising, and the dead rise with them."

"The northerners are a superstitious people." Pycelle told him.

Everyone but Tyrion stood up to leave.

"According to the Commander, one of these dead men attacked him in his chambers." This cause the others to stop. "Mormont doesn't lie."

"How do you kill a dead man?" Varys asked.

"Apparently you burn him." Tyrion replied.

"One trip to The Wall and you come back believing in grumpkins and snarks." She began walking away, followed by Varys.

"I don't know what I believe, but here's a fact for you. The Night's Watch is the only thing that separates us from what lies beyond the Wall."

"I have every confidence the brave men of the Night's Watch will protect us all."

The meeting was declared and everyone left.

[Princess Morgana's Chambers]

Following the small council meeting, Cersei decided to pay a visit to her eldest daughter.

Cersei's heart raced as she pushed open the door to Morgana's chambers. She had been expecting to find her daughter sitting at her vanity, perhaps practicing her embroidery or reading a book, but instead, the room was empty.

The bed still made, the dresses hanging in the wardrobe. Her servants were nowhere to be found, and there was no sign of her daughter anywhere. Panic set in as Cersei realized that something must have happened to Morgana. She called for the guards, demanding that they search the castle for any trace of her missing daughter.

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