AZI Volume 5 Chapter 63

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(...And nothing.)


Heaves a sigh of disappointment, Long Hua looks to the other half of the ruby held in Yun You's hand, and before the latter can store it away, the former charges at them.


Evading Long Hua's punch, Yun You leaps backwards, and lands onto the waters. Without further ado, he dashes across the water's surface—heading towards the main island.

(There were some grenades, you might as well use them.)

"I will."

Taking out one of the grenades, Long Hua pulls the pin, and tosses it towards Yun You.

*Boom!!!* as the grenade goes off—just a meter away from his back, Yun You grits his teeth, and borrowing the momentum of the blast, he manages to further the distance between Long Hua and himself.

"Tch, piece of shit..."

Transforming the gauntlets into a rifle, Long Hua controls the waters beneath his feet to stabilize himself, while continuing to move—almost as if there is a surfboard beneath his feet.

Taking aim at Yun You's back, Long Hua pulls the trigger.

*Bang!!!* picking up on the sound of a rifle, Yun You, who had stored his half of the ruby away, turns his head to the side, and in the same instance—


His right arm is blown off, along with a portion of his chest, to which, Long Hua shouts—

"Hand over your storage pouch!"

"In your dreams!"

Towards Yun You's response—

*Bang!!!* Long Hua replies with a pillar of red energy; however, Yun You manages to evade it this time, while thinking—

(Dammit, who the hell is this bastard?)

Focusing his energy on the regeneration of his right arm and shoulder, Yun You continues to evade Long Hua's rifle blasts.


Back on the first island—


*Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!* cannons loaded with artillery shells are fired off towards the approaching pale white weapon spirit.

However, despite the impact of these artillery shells, the pale white weapon spirit shows no signs of halting its movement, as it opens its maw, and—

*Paaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnggg!!!!!!* a colossal pillar of red energy is released, wiping away a quarter of the first island, along with all who stood on it!

"In an instant..."

"It just..."

*Thud! Thud! Thud!* seeing what had just happened, numerous individuals fell onto their knees with a look of despair.

And just as the situation seems all but hopeless—


A figure dressed in blue robes over a white layer appears in the air.

The individual has long black hair and blue eyes, and facial features wise, Long Hua would surely think them to be reminiscent of Qing Ming Yang.

"...That's it then?"

Staring at the pale white weapon spirit, Qīng Yǔ Lóng (清雨龙) frowns with a hint of displeasure—for he was dragged out of his secluded cultivation to deal with this situation.

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