AZI Volume 5 Chapter 58

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(Yu Ji.)


Hearing an archaic voice that is filled with both powerlessness and affection calling out to her, Yu Ji raises her head.

(I... Leave the decision up to you. Summon out your Relic.)


Despite being unsure of who this person was, something inside of her told Yu Ji to do as advised.

Momentarily, her bow appears in her grip, along with the quiver.

And among the arrows that are inside the quiver, one in particular is giving off a golden glow—prompting Yu Ji to retrieve it.

(This arrow contains a portion of my strength as a practitioner. You can either use it to shoot down that weapon, or... You can also choose to do nothing.)


Holding the arrow in her left hand, Yu Ji blinks her eyes with an expression of confusion.

If she chooses to perform the first option, she will no doubt be branded a traitor by Dainsfield. However, if she chooses to do nothing—that would mean losing Li.

Ever since she was conscious of her surroundings, Yu Ji has always felt an extreme sense of love for her little sister, as if the latter was the one who completed her.

In Wen Qing's eyes, this couldn't be anything but normal—for the two were originally a single individual.

However, due to the laws of the Leng Bing Realm—in its effort to force "Yu Ji" to forget about the existence of the real world, the original whole was split into two halves.


Raising her bow, Yu Ji takes aim at the Heaven's Blade, to which, Ye Chen frowns, and—

"...Yu Ji, you...-?"

"Captain, vice-captain, you mind turning a blind eye to this?"

Towards Yu Ji's question, Ye Chen replies—

"...You're sure that your little sister is in that?"


Taking out a domino mask, Li Xue passes it to Yu Ji.


"Theme item from my part-time job. If you're going to do something outrageous, at least try to keep your face covered."

Considering how unique her Relic is, Yu Ji felt like this won't be very effective, but she nevertheless accepts it, and replies—

"Thank you."


Far above the altitude that the Heaven's Blade is positioned at, the three practitioners of the Ling Yuan family look down at their feet—

"The hell is that?"

Seeing a colossal portion of the third mountain sliding off towards the seas like a block of tofu, Ling Yu Heng can't help but frown.

With an odd look on his face, Qing Ming Yang remarks—

"Is this the weapon spirits' attempt to mimic a divine art?"

Regardless of how powerful the Heaven's Blade is as a weapon, it is incapable of cutting through the entirety of the third mountain in a single run through.

Not to mention, the magma—produced by the scorching heat, will eventually cool; hence, the need to make multiple cuts through the mountain before the entirety of its peak can be sliced off.

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