Chapter | Thirty

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I'm tired of feeling like our relationship is at a standstill. I can perceive her wanting to be closer to me. I thought that me opening up to her about the baby, could have somehow made it better. I need a way to get her to let go and be free with me. I know for a fact that she is tired of fighting those feelings. I need a solution.

I'm on Dario's office couch with my laptop in hand. I began my research, searching to find answers to why Mary obtain tendencies of a young child. I discovered that they use a term called age regression. I invested into articles and blog posts, confirming that it is a real thing. They describe it as physiological. Someone who mentally and emotionally retreats to a younger age. It can happen as a result of years of trauma, forced to grow up quickly or simply because they enjoy it. It's a stress reliever and a defense mechanism. In order to know if someone is a regressor you may see signs of them giving into baby and toddler items, change of behavior and speech of a young child. Elaine always said, "Mary is special" Was this what she meant?.

"Well if she is a regressor, how do we know what age she identifies with? here it says that she can regress mentally from ages zero to six years old, others say older," Dario says staring at the computer screen.

"This is legit. Therapist swear by this special technique. They say its keeps them in a happy place". As someone who has experienced a mental breakdown and went through years of therapy, I know what it's like to desire to be whole again. "We have to carefully observe her to determine where she fits into. We need to figure out her 'little' age, triggers, what she likes and doesn't like. So far we know that she is playful, likes to be held when she's sad or tired and takes a liking to pacifiers".

My husband cuts in, "-What is a DDLG and MDLG relationship? is it like a caregiver?".

"I'm not sure, look it up". he takes out his phone and scroll through it. Suddenly he freeze then he raise a brow.

"What?" I look up at him. He puts the phone screen up to my face and I begin reading. Oh wow " That is definitely not for us" .

"There is more to it, Angie, you didn't read it all," He burst into laughter, holding his stomach while bending over. I snatch his phone and read it again.

"That's not funny, love." I whine.

"I'm sorry, dear. It was the look on your face that made it ten times better". I show him my 'I am disappointed' expression. "Okay, I'm done." He clears his throat.

"Claiming the title 'caregiver', it will be our job to care for her little self as well as her bigger self," I say.

"So, does this mean that we are going through with it?" He ask.

"Yes. I want to do this for her, for us," I say, confidently.

"Then I will support this in every way. I want this too," he says. "How do you plan on getting her to regress again?" He questioned.

"I have some ideas in my head, I just hope it works," I concluded.

"It wouldn't be much of a challenge because you already instinctively treat her like a baby". I can't argue with that.

At first, it seemed like a lot to process, but I'm looking forward to it. My Maryanne as a baby again. It's a dream come true. It will be beneficial for all of us. A real breakthrough.

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