Chapter | Ten

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Three days, I haven't left his side.

Today, they moved him out of ICU. The doctor allowed us to stay for the time being. Eventually, we have to leave. Elaine promised to stay with me while my dad will be getting his treatment. I hope they give us a place to live in, I don't want them to take me away from him or Elaine.

Even since he woken up he's been giving the nurses hell. Refusing to let them change him, trying to get up every minute, and constantly removing the oxygen mask and the stickers on his chest.

My dad is going to be stubborn till the very end.

As a matter of fact, he is protesting to be released from the hospital. They recently started his dialysis treatment and the doctor is working hard to keep him here as long as possible. In the end, she'll no longer fight him on it. I don't think he's in any condition to leave the hospital. My dad is certainly weaker than before the incident. His hands and feet are swollen, he can no longer pee on his own without help and he has a feeding tube due to his refusal to eat. I'm watching my him slowly wither away and it breaks my heart.

His glowing dark skin is dull, his bones are more visible, and the dark circles under his eyes are very prominent. I remember a time when he always showed his muscles and kept his hair short and tapped along with a clean shave. Now, I can hardly recognize him.

There is so much he kept from me.

"Dad please listen to the nurses," I beg. I catch him pulling the IV again.

"I can't stand this thing, I want it off no-owe," he goes into a small coughing fit. I roll my eyes and wait until he's done. I'm not sure it's the right time to scold him, but it's now or never.

Elaine is sound asleep on the couch behind me. She stayed up all night comforting me and checking on my dad.

I sit on the chair with my arms folded, making an angry face to prove that I mean business. He narrow his eyes when he notices, "What's wrong with you? why the pouty face?".


"I'm mad at you," I mumble.

"What?" he says, leaning forward in bed.

"I'm mad at you for not telling me you were sick". For a long time. He sucks his teeth and lets his head fall back.

"It's not as ba-,".

"The doctor said your kidneys are at a five. Y-YYou can d-die," I stumble over my words, full of emotions. In five years he's going to die and I'll be all alone.

"I'm not going to die. The doctor don't know what she's talking about. These people don't know me well enough. I'm a fighter. A surviver. Ain't no broken kidneys stoppin' me and to prove it, when I get out of here we are going to travel all over the country. I'll take you to Disneyland, Vegas, the beach, anywhere you want little lady". He's sounds too confident for someone who can barley get out of bed.

"How are we gonna do that? You're too weak and I can't carry you around," am I the only one thinking logically? He is literally laughing at me.

"Heard of trains and busses?" he chuckles with all his strength.


"So it's settled," he lifts his hands up.

"No it's not. We have no money, we can't travel anymore". Though the doctor did say she can help us financially. Most of it will be going towards his treatments.

"I have money, and I say we can," raising a brow. I know that look, but it doesn't phase me.

"I know you do drugs!" I whisper yell, he pauses and I block him from uttering to speak. "I'm tired of the running, the secrets, the lies. You say you're "protecting" me—who's gonna protect me when you're gone?".

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