Chapter | Thirteen

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Trigger warning: Blood

Angeline keeps a small distance between her and Mary-respecting boundaries. Although, she craved to be near her. That had to do.

Only in time, if I get to see her again.

Mary sitting across from her, plays with the breakfast sandwich. She only took one bite and the rest of the time she is poking at it. This makes Angeline cringe and Elaine ends up scolding her. The younger woman holds back the urge to convince Mary to eat. Now that she knows Mary is homeless, she can clearly see that the girl doesn't eat well.

Moments prior, Elaine and Angeline had a deep conversion. They sought out possible solutions to help the situation.

"Is there any other way you can help them? a case worker will be here any day and who knows what they will say". Elaine is anxiously awaiting the outcome.

As a former professional in the buisness of law, Angeline can only give advice, she will need to seek help legally from colleges and her husband if it becomes necessary. Other wise it will be admissable.

"I'll be in contact with a few people to ensure that as long as Benjamin is alive, They wont touch her. Overtime, it's possible they will put her in a foster home until she has reached the legal age of eighteen. Ive heard a few cases where teenagers challenge for emancipation at sixteen. How old is she now?".

"She's thirteen". From any human eye she can easily go for a lot younger age. "-that's three years from now and I wouldn't want her to suffer. Those homes can be cruel for kids. Mary is special, they will bully her and steer her in the wrong direction. I just cant let her go through that. There has to be another way".

"I want to say yes, though it's inevitable at this point. But, I will do my best to make sure she ends up in a good-".

"Take her," Elaine jumps to the point-desperation in her tone. Angeline is wide eyed, not apprehending."I'm running out of options. I trust someone who knows the system better than me, who is stable and well adjusted. I know we just met today, but I have a good feeling about you and my intuition is hardly wrong".

"Elaine, I can't". A person needs permits to look after a child. Yet, Angeline is capable. She has the security and love, but it's not that simple. As much as she wants to, It will hurt her to suddenly strip Maryanne from all that she knows. Taking her to an entirely new state filled with strangers is not ideal.

"Just think about it. I don't want Mary to be taken away, but when the time comes i'd rather she'd be with you". She couldn't believe that Elaine is desperate to entrust a complete stranger to look after an innocent girl. Angeline would be more comfortable earning Mary's trust. First, she would like to have a word with Benjamin to see what he thinks.

The cafeteria is empty and quiet. The few eat mostly in silence. The smell of breakfast linger, though the workers are steering in the kitchen serving lunch.

The adults play a game of 'ice breaker' to possibly help her warm up to Angeline. The blonde woman mentions small details about herself. For instance, She has two Maine Coon cats and loves cooking. Elaine babbles on about her interests in collecting anything that has worth. It had become a small get to know me session. Nevertheless, it hooks the young girl's attention.

"Anything interesting you'd like to share Maryanne?" Angeline asks. Mary looks upon her smiling face.

"Umm. I like pink...I never had a pet before and one day I want to live by the beach." She shyly says.

"That's awesome. where I live there are plenty of them. Italy also has beautiful beaches. You'd love it there," she state, unconsciously manifesting a possible future for her.

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