Chapter | Six

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Deep down I'm afraid of losing her. She can't know about the things I did. There are some secrets I'm willing to take to my grave.

I thought it would be an easy task to look for a little girl that has distinct features. Dark brown curly hair, brown skin, and small statured, but I was wrong. I keep convincing myself that she didn't go far. I check the time on my phone and it is 6:15pm. When I left Elaine it was still five, that means I've been walking around longer than I expected. What makes maters worse is that I'm in endless pain.

How far could she have gone?

I know she's probably pissed at me and I accept that, but I'm getting worried that she doesn't want to come back to me. I remember her as a toddler, how she always wanted to be held—never wanting me to put her down. She'd throw a fit and I would let her cry it out. It used to annoy me, however some part of me wished I had never took it all for granted. The thought of her being kidnapped, r**ed, or worse makes me sick to my stomach. The police could have already found her and sent her off to strangers All because I pushed her away for being curious.

I still don't know what possessed her to do it.

I'm yelling her name and people are staring at me like a lunatic. Someone walks up to me and asks about who I was looking for. I told them that I was looking for a thirteen year old girl. Although, she could go for someone of a single digit age.

When I spotted the police in the area, I scattered. I do not want to get them involved.

Not long, I got a sharp pain in my middle back near my rib cage. Lately, it has been very persistent. I wince, holding onto my right side. I'm leaning on a wall outside of a gas station waiting for the pain to yield. Earlier, I assumed it was because I haven't urinated all day. yet, I spend five minutes in the bathroom forcing myself to go and nothing came out. At this rate, it will become harder to search for her. I reach in my pocket and pull out the bag with a bottle of pills. I take two white pills and swallow.

That should keep me for a bit.

I'm getting a little tired but it doesn't stop me for looking for my little girl.


Another hour past, I nearly searched every part of town that I knew possible. My gradual pace is making it more difficult. In that time, I call Mack for help. He has a car so it would be much easier. I'm currently tossing off more pills because it seems like the pain isn't subsiding.

I stop on at the end of a one way street when my phone starts ringing.

"You found her?" I say, panting.

"No, not yet. Where are you? I'll come pick you up," his voice is muffled by the car's engine.

"I'm on 14th st of Tailbrooke," I announce as I look at the green street sign.

"Bet. I'll be there in 10 minutes". I can hear him telling one of his guys to turn around.

Standing in one spot for ten minutes seems like torture for me right now. My whole body is aching and I can barely stand in one place. My feet feel like they're about to burst into flames.

I shake my head and begin to tell him that I've changed my mind, but he ends the call abruptly. I groan in frustration.

As I struggle to keep moving somehow my balance is becoming unsteady. I'm stopping often to catch my breath as if I just ran a marathon. Drivers on the road stop and voice their concerns from the looks of my discuntaled state and I kindly wave them off.

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