Chapter | Twenty four

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I step into the dark blue bathing suit. I twist myself looking at the small open back design in the full length mirror. I've only owned one of these in my entire life. Often times I went swimming in my under wear or nothing at all. My dad said it was better than getting my clothes wet.

I find myself skipping through the hallway, making my way to the big folding doors leading to the backyard. It is wide open—letting the early june breeze shift through the house. I can't wait to get in the pool. I haven't gone swimming in years.

The trail of concrete squares guide me to the pool. I step on the short trimmed grass, circling the long rectangle surrounded by stone concrete and filled with tropical blue water-  miniature fountains spraying out on both sides and a wall with a waterfall in the back . I inhale and I can't smell any chemicals. Dario said that's because it's a saltwater pool. I decide to start off on the deep end. Sitting at the edge I dip my foot in. Suddenly, I am stopped from putting my whole body in.

"Honey, put sunscreen on before you get in!" Angeline shouts. I can see her standing inside the house from my point of view.

I don't understand. Why do I need sunscreen?

"I'm okay. I don't need it" I stated and attempting to go in again. Next thing I know, she's rushing my way with something in her hand. She is gently pulling me her way.

"I prefer you do," She says. I flinch at the cold feeling of the white cream she is rubbing on my skin. I move away before it touches my face.

"Come on sweetheart, let mo-me put some on your face. I don't want the sun to damage your pretty skin. It's likely you wont burn, but it's for protection".

I cross my arm over my chest, allowing her to put it on.

"Okay, you can go. Don't go too deep. Dario should be coming to join you any minute,". She states.

"I know how to swim. Angeline," I roll my eyes. Before she can debate, Dario comes out of the guest house wearing yellow swimming shorts—clasping his hands together. He's seems more excited than I am.

"Did you put sunscreen on?" Angeline ask him.

"Of course!" he says, doing a professional looking dive into the water. He resurface and call me into the water. I cannon ball in, the water surrounding my whole body I emerge. The two braid weights down on my back.

"Are you joining us?" Dario ask.

"Not today, But I'll be watching you".

We spend our time playing in the pool. Angeline hangs out with us a little bit smiling taking pictures and video on her phone before she heads back to make us lunch. Dario has games for us. We play catch with an inflatable beach ball he found in the guest house. He challenges to see how long we can hold your breath under water. Of course wins by two minutes. I've haven't had this much fun in the water in a long time...

"Mary are you okay?" his pushes his dripping wet hair. His green eyes holding concern.

I shake out of my trance, "Mhm.Dario can we have a race?".

He shows a knowing grin, "I don't know... I don't know if you can handle losing to me".

"I'll be okay with losing to an old man". He gasps.

Moral of the story, I lost and it's all because of my little legs. Angeline comes back with a tray of homemade sandwiches, a bowl of fruit, chips and juice. She set it on the table of the outdoor patio. She joins us around the time Dario decides to lift me up and throw me in the water. My ears clogged with water, until I hear a gasp. I come up wiping my eyes and laughing.

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