Chapter | Twenty eight

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As the man of the house it's my duty to ensure that everything is in order and everyone is happy.

"She fell asleep".

"Okay, we'll tell her tomorrow. Together. That's the only way we can get past this".

Our whole world is changing, now that she is with us. When I met this adorable tiny girl, with bright brown eyes, brown skin and beautiful curls. I knew she was going to occupy a space in my heart and give us a run for our money. In other words, she challenge us everyday, in a good way. She's my bambina, my buddy and I would do anything for her.

It is the following morning and it is time to feed the kittens. When my wife and l grieved our loss, she went to therapy and the therapist recommended we get a pet. A therapy dog was the plan, but Angeline did not want to go the traditional route. So, I gifted her with Frenchie. We loved her so much that a year later we got Lola. They were both born from the same cat just different litter. These kittens are our saving grace and they brought light to our family. We looked at the best options for cats that are easy going and affectionate and Maine coons were one of the top cat breeds. We could have had any other breed of similar status, yet Angeline fell in love with that particular kind. The downside, is that they are expensive and high maintenance. Almost like a human baby. But we love them.

"Okay, okay I'm coming princess". The kitten is meowing at the top of her lungs. She knows that I am preparing their food. They have a diet of quality raw meats and kibble, which isn't cheap by the way. Anything to keep them healthy and long living, as they are healthy by nature. "Why aren't you patient and calm like your sister?". Frenchie's golden eyes are staring up at me. I place their food down and Lola tackles the bowl. I thought main coons were one of the chilliest of breeds. I guess food would make anyone go crazy. "What Lola wants Lola gets".

I'm in my office gathering the copies of the rules I put together for Mary. I plan on placing them in our offices and somewhere in the kitchen. Probably the pantry because I often catch her sneaking in there to grab Oreos from the cookie jar. She doesn't care for the healthier snacks Angeline buys for her. I discovered that the bambina has sweet tooth like myself. if it's sweet she will eat it with no problem. I have to draw back on letting her splurge on sweets, though.

My beautiful wife stands outside the room in workout tights and a sports bra. She is already done with her morning run.

"Amore, I'm going to take a quick shower then get started on breakfast," She quickly says, walking away.

"Hold on dear," she quickly stick her head back in "I'll pick up breaksfast, you relax a bit. Afterward we can eat and go over rules".

"Love you don't have to-".

"It's my treat, baby and it's only eight thirty in the morning. I have a lot of time". She walk up to me and set multiple kisses on my lips. I place my hands on her hips, enforcing the session to last longer.

"Dar, I'm sweaty," she complains.

"What does that supposed to mean? You started". She raises her brow at me. "Fine, later then?".

"Certo, la mia anima gemella," she kisses me one last time, then exists.

One brownie point for Dario!


We barely struggled to get Mary out of the room. She came out on her own. Angeline got up this morning and showed me a note Mary wrote for her and myself. I thought it was comical. My wife felt ashamed about it, but she had a small grin on her face. I will make sure she never lives it down. I will always be the cool one.

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