Chapter | Nine

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What? Like as in sleeping?

"He's going to wake up. Right?" Elaine asks the doctor.

"It is hard to tell with the amount of swelling on his brain, but we are very optimistic," she nods her head. Arms folded over each other.

The blood rushing to my ears makes me drown everything out. What if he never wakes up? A faint voice calls my name then I recognize a soft touch on my shoulder.

"Is she okay? does she need medical attention?" The doctor says close to my face. I began making myself hyperventilate.

"Breathe, breathe" someone said, while rubbing my back.

"This is his daughter," I listen to Elaine's voice, subtle and dry.

"I'm so sorry sweetie, I'll make your the first person to see him once he's stable. In the meantime, I can move you guys to the family and close friends sitting area on the third floor, you will have better access".

"That's kind of you. Thank you so much," Elaine takes her eyes off of the doctor to focus her attention on me.

"No problem, I know this is a difficult time".

The doctor escort us to the elevator. Passing the nurse behind the desk, Elaine lets go of my hand and flips the woman off, Then puts her arm around me.

The lobby on the third floor was much more inviting. The doctor points out the snacks and mentioned a cafeteria, but who can eat at a time like this. My stomach aches. I grip my stomach and bend over slightly, finding a small couch to sit down. Elaine glance at me after the doctor urgently departed. The look of concern plastered on her face. I steadily lay my body down sideways, bring my knees to my chest. Today's events are finally catching up with me. Elaine lifts my head and brings it back down to her lap. Her hand smoothing out my hair.

"I'm here," she whispers.

Tears escape my eyes, falling on the sides of my face. I breathe out deeply, close my eyes and give into sleep.


I open my eyes and I'm still at the hospital, but it look different. The lights are dim, a soft blue light is casting. Hello? I sit up. I look around for Elaine. Did she leave without me? Elaine? The room seemed to be getting bigger. I shiver, I'm getting cold. I leaving the room, seeking her. Elaine! I yell. I hear my voice echoing through the hall in the hospital.

I walk down a deserted hallway with empty beds in the middle of the walkway, not a single soul to be seen. Mary Anne! I hear a familiar masculine voice calling. Daddy?! I'm here. I start running, following the voice. Mary Anne! Come find me the voice cries out. The dim lights flicker like something you would see in a horror film. I'm coming. Where are you?. The voice continues to call my name. Suddenly, the white walls are narrowing as the voice is drawing closer. I can hear my rapid breathing, although I'm running in slow motion. I'm not fast enough for the caving walls. I'm about to become a human pancake.

I close my eyes, accepting my fate until I magically appear in a hospital room with a single bed in the center. The frame of a body is lying covered up with a blanket. Daddy? I say curiously walking up to the covered body. Slowly, I lift the blanket up to see what's underneath. Before it's fully lifted a hand grabs my arm and the rest of the body is uncovered revealing...The blonde haired woman?. Boo! I got you! She says with big eyes and a smile that reaches her ears. This instantly put me in a shock of terror. I scream, as she pulls me in—shaking me.

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