Chapter | Seven

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What was I thinking going this far off?

A portion of me wanted to prove that I can be on my own without him, Showing him that I'm not fragile or dependent on him. Although, right now I'm beginning to realize that I do need him because It's dark and he's my travel guide and safety net.

I never keep watches or own a cellphone. The only way I can determine the time is based on how low or high the sun is. During 'daylight savings' my dad calls it, it is usually 8:00pm when the sun is barely showing.

I stare at the card the woman gave me, then stuffed it in my backpack. I have no idea what happened back at the restaurant. That lady nearly triggered that little switch In my brain that makes me suddenly feel like a little girl again. Her words were spoken so gentle, how she referred to me by using pet names. I get a sensation in the pit my stomach, giving me the jitters, and I'm not sure if I like it or not. And the way she kept staring at me, it was almost intolerable. I take a quick turn to make sure she or anyone wasn't watching or following me.

The only light giving off other the moon is the orange hue of the streetlights as the streets are emerging with walkers, party goers and the usual misfits. I'm forever anxious when it becomes dark and I'm in the middle of nowhere. Especially never being left unattended at this time.

I feel for the small pocket knife that I found on the grounds one day to make sure I will have it ready in case something happens.

Sooner or later, I become familiar with my surroundings. It's the path my dad and I used to take all the time. Judging the weird nosies, reminding me of the sounds jungle animal would make. Gullible enough, I go through a hidden alley known as the drugs addiction domain. They were all talking out of their heads and screaming.

I quickly try to pass by them, the  yelling increase as I draw near. Someone trap my arm, causing me to tremble in fear.

"You got some change?" the hunched over man says. His eyes are shot with red and he can hardly stand straight up. Not to mention, the unbearable stench of alcohol reeking his pores. My natural reaction is to freak out. I accidentally nudge the man, causing him to fall over in the process. The sounds of laugher echos, the further I sprint.


Cutting along, a car travels behind me. I dare not to look back, while keeping a normal pace. my dad warned me about traffickers seeking out bait. The notion makes me want to cry.

The person in the car honks the horn at me and I prepare myself to run again. Shorty, the tented windows are winding down.

"Hey! Mary," The person yells.

How does this stranger know my name?

"Mary, your father's been looking for you! I'm here to help," hearing them say that my father's was looking for me, makes me instantly turn around. Out of the blue, I am facing the bald gangster.

"Come, get in," He gestures for the car to stop and the taller man gets out and opens the door to invite me in.

I'm hesitant. I shouldn't trust a man that I barely know. Then again my father knows him so it should be fine. It may not be a trap, though this man gives me the creeps especially the creepy grin he has on his face. After contradicting myself at the last second, I walk towards the car and slide in, the door roughly closes behind me. The scent of leather and smoke invaded my nostrils, I sit as close to the door as possible. I capture His men occupying the first row of the car, looking straight ahead. My nerves brings me to pick at the loose skin on my thumb.

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