Chapter | Four

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Mary is uncomfortable and frightened by the firm grip Benjamin has on her wrist. She struggles to pull away, he proceeds to ask her again.

"I said what are you doing?" spit spewing out of his mouth.

The argument between Elaine and Mack comes to halt when the discrepancy catches their attention.

"Dad, you're hur-ting me," Mary's voice shakes as she tries to pull away. Elaine loosens the grip Benjamin has on his daughter.

"Let her go Benjamin!" she yells. Benjamin releases her.

"Why is it so hard for you to mind your own business?!" Benjamin states, but no one knows whom it's directed to. Mary holds her tongue and looks at her father blankly—eyes filling up with tears.

"Benji come on man," Mack places his hand on his shoulder then Benjamin pushes it off.

"Don't 'come on man' me!".

Suddenly, Mack's two body guards come into plain sight ready to tackle him. Mack puts his hands in front, signaling them to back down.

"See me when you've cooled off , Alright?" Mack says sternly. "Don't forget who you are talking to," he pokes Benjamin's chest with his index finger. He walks off. With the snap of a finger, his body guards follow suit.

Benjamin is sweating profusely, but ignores the feeling of it pouring down his face. Elaine and Mary stands there waiting for him to explain his hostile behavior. Regardless, she proceeds to question him.

"D-Dad, why are you being like this?". Mary clearly knew that there was something off about him.

Benjamin avoids looking at his daughter because he knows that one glance at her pitiful face will make him crumble.

"Not right now," he growls. This time Mary grows restless of his avoidant behavior.

"No! I'm tired of you controlling me!" She's standing higher on her feet.

"I'm your father, I do controll you!" Benjamin yell.

"You won't let me do anything! I can't go to school and when I try to help you, you won't let me," Maryanne sobs. She wait to hear from her father; silence was his choice of manner. It is evident that he doesn't acknowledge his daughter speaking her mind.

It was the last straw that rallied her into running off. Elaine wasn't quick enough to stop her and Benjamin didn't have to energy to chase after her. Both people yelled out for her.

Unfortunately, Mary hardened herself to ignore.

Elaine is filled with rage, glaring at Benjamin with the meanest of looks. If looks could kill, Benjamin would be dead already.

"Whats wrong with her?" he asks.

"Whats wrong with you Benjamin?! You need to go after her. Your only daughter poured her little heart out and all you can do is sit there like a dummy!" The words she spews from her mouth.

"Watch your-ahh!" he yelps in sudden pain. Elaine furrows her brows in confusion and comes to his aid.

"What is it?" she gasps, looking him over.

"My foot," he is holding his teeth together. Elaine rolls her eyes.

"Then take your shoes off! I thought you were having a heart attack," she says. Benjamin attempts to take off his black tennis shoe by pushing it with the front of his other.

"Here, let me," Elaine bends down and unties the shoe lace to pulls off one shoe. She slips it off after struggling and sees a bare and swollen foot. She freezes.

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