Chapter | Seventeen

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Today, Angeline said it was our last full day before we leave for her home. She's hopeful that it will be an easy adjustment. On the other hand, I'm not completely comfortable with all of this. I'm going to be moving to a new state, living with a lady I hardly know. I could be left in the care of a serial killer.

Both of my parents are dead, and I don't know anyone else. I had Elaine, but now she's gone too. I miss him so much it hurts. The last thing he said to me was ' I love you' and I'm constantly replaying his voice in my head.

I woke up really early this morning from having dreams about him. Angeline comforted me while I cried myself to sleep. She has been very nice to me. Buying me things I don't ask for, washing my hair, making sure that I eat. I want to accept her, but it's hard to imagine my 'new life' now.

"I have some things planned for us". She puts her phone down."We will have breakfast at the cafe, then I want to take you shopping for a suitcase and other small things for our travel...Oh and maybe I can take you get the urn necklace set up, but the rest of the day is up to you. Okay," she twirls her finger around my hair.

I nod.

"O-okay, let's get ready!".

We enter inside the cafe. I never been in here before. It looks fancy. My nose wrinkles at the strong smell of coffee. I can hear clanking, noisy machines and watch people entranced on their computer screens. She gets us a table with stools by the large window giving us a good view of the city. I climb up to sit and she leaves to orders for us.

The world looks different. Seeing it from my new reality is weird. It's like I'm in someone else's body, wearing their clothes. By now, I'd be wondering the streets with Elaine and my dad will say 'I'll be back, stay with Elaine'. He never trusted anyone except her.

After Angeline returns, a worker present us with drinks. One that looks like chocolate milk, a white tea cup and two glasses of water. "This is the drink I brought you last time," she says. I knew it tastes familiar. I actually like it. She folds her hands and I spot a calm smile on her face, "You are adorable, you know that?". I can feel myself blush.

Later, they bring us dishes. She thought it was best that we split a meal of toast that with avocado, eggs and tomato on top, a bowl of yogurt with granola and berries, and what Angeline called—a chocolate croissant dusted with powdered sugar. She said I can have some of the delicious looking pastry when I finished my other food first.

Angeline is so precise—cutting up the big piece of toast in half and placing it in front of me."Try it". I pick up the piece of toast and bite into it. The first bite was strange. So many different flavors I'm not used to. I take another one, deciding that it wasn't bad. Would I eat it again? Maybe not.

"How is it?" she smiles and sips her coffee. I give her a thumbs up. She wanted me to try some of the yogurt but I had eyes for that dessert next to her. She laugh at me literally drooling over it. Angeline inspected my empty plate, then took a part of the croissant and handed it to me. I devour it in seconds, inhaling the burst of chocolate, the soft flakiness. My taste buds are making me do a happy dance.

She grabs a napkin and wipes the side of my mouth, "I should have given you one by yourself," she grins. "Here you can have to rest," placing the remaining of it on my side. The gesture makes me a little embarrassed. I didn't mean to eat it so fast, maybe I should have saved it. What if she wanted some too?.

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