Chapter | Twenty nine

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I study the list of rules on the pantry door that reads:

-Clean up after yourself, such as putting dirty clothes in the hamper and keeping bedroom tidy.
-No swearing/yelling.
-No slamming/locking doors *bathroom use can be an exception*.
-No snooping or taking others personal belongings without permission.
-No throwing things inside the house.
-Express your thoughts with us.
-Eat three meals a day, including snacks.
-Obey Dario and Angeline when we tell you to do something.
-Do not be afraid to approach us for anything.

The punishments are no television, no devices, writing lines and I have to be visible at all times for as long as the punishment stands. All blasphemy. I never had any rules before. I was just told what I could and couldn't do. There was never any list.

I still haven't forgotten what happened the other day and it makes me look at them in a different light. More and more I'm learing about them, but I have yet to know who this Ebony person is. I didn't want to ask them because I didn't want Angeline to be angry with me again, even though one of the rules clearly says I shouldn't be afraid to come to them for anything. I might have to start doing my own research and break a few rules.

Angeline is taking me to get something special at the mall, to an indoor shoping mall to be specific. With that being said, I chose to get ready all by myself. It is a hot and sunny day, therefore I picked out a light blue tank top and white shorts. I did my skin care, took my overnight braids out and left my hair down. I want to show Angeline that I can be independent and she doesn't have to help me all the time.

"You look cute today, Bambina" Dario says.

"Yes she does," Angeline smiles back at me. "Ready to go?" she asks me, holding her big cup by the handle. I nod as she hand me my smaller one.

"What time is your barber appointment again?" she ask Dario.

"The appointment is at twelve, ma'am," He says.

"Before you leave, can you make sure that the cats get their flea and tick treatment. It just came in yesterday". Dario signal a salute. "I can't believe it's that time of year already. While I'm out, I'll probably pick up some new collars for them. They are outgrowing the old ones," she says.

"Have fun at the giant square of doom," Dario waves as we are on our way out the door.

"We get it, you hate the mall," she rolls her eyes.

We get in the car and she is staring dead at me with her intimidating blue eyes.

"You feeling okay, sweetheart?" She ask. I nod. Angeline reach for me and she put her back hand to my forehead, then tuck a stand of hair behind my ear. "I could have helped you with your hair".

"I wanted to do it myself today," I say.

"That's perfectly okay. Put your seatbelt on, please," she slides her shades on.

She doesn't make much conversation, only staring at me through the rear view mirror often. As she hums to early 2000s pop music playing in the car.

Twenty minutes later, we land at an area with a big building that Dario described. She parks the car and I let myself out. Instead of taking my hand, She puts her arm aound my shoulder and guide me in the mall. The place is similar to the outdoor mall she took me to before, except everything is inside and it looks bigger. It also has a lot of smells. I can smell cinnamon rolls and perfume. There are moving stairs that take people up or down. It looks suspicious.

Home Sweet GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora