Chapter | Twenty two

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Mary toss and turn in her sleep from a nightmare. An image of her father's dead body laying in the middle of the road—blood covering the concrete. She wakes up in a cold sweat. She whimpers as small tears come out of her eyes. Her heart is pounding. Mary stands up on shaken knees and walks across the hall—clammy feet sticking to the cold floor with every step. She stops just outside of Dario and Angeline's bedroom, her fist is raised midway on the closed door. She debates going in.

Two nights ago, Maryanne overheard a conversation between Dario and Angeline.

"Does she like me? I'm trying so hard to be close to her, but I can feel her resisting," Angeline cries. "Am I doing too much?".

"Angie, she does. Please don't get yourself worked up about this. You are feeding into this way too much. She's only been with us for two weeks. Give it time".

"One day she wants to be in my arms, the next she barely smiles when I'm around, let alone talk. With you it is the complete opposite. It sucks!"


"Dario, I love her so much. I just want her to love me too".

"She will my dearest love, she will".

Maryanne is desperately seeking comfort and she risks it. She softly knocks on their door. It's subtle. Yet, The light sleeping ears of Angeline awakens her. She thinks that she's imaging the sound. Angeline waits for it to continue again along with small sniffles. Her first guess is a kitten trying to get in, but kittens don't knock. It only had to be the young girl. She push the covers aside, careful of not disturbing her husband's well needed slumber.

Mary hears prominent foot steps getting closer. The door swings open, revealing a tired looking Angeline.

Angeline's eyes adjust and her face softens, as she meets with the young girl,"What's going on sweetheart?" her voice is groggy. The woman notice there are tears in Mary's eyes. Unexpectedly, the young girl pushes her herself against angeline, burrowing her face against the woman's stomach and wrapping her arms around her waist. The action muffles her cry. Although it takes Angeline by surprise, she has to remain present for the distressed girl. "Baby, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" She rub circles in Mary's back and keeps her close.

"Mmmm," Mary manages to get out.

"What can I do for you? Talk to me," she gently brings Mary's face out from her sport getting a look at her, cradling and holding it up with her nimble fingers. The girl's innocent eyes are matching her concerned ones.

"Hold me," her little voice rasps out. Angeline's heart skips a beat.

Without any words, she happily obliged and pick Mary up. Angeline positions her, so their bodies are facing each other. Mary legs attach to her waist and lays her head on Angeline's shoulder. Angeline gets to her side of the bed and sits down. She gently hushes Mary while she sniffles. Patting her back in a rhythmic pattern

"Can you tell me what the dream was about that's making you so upset," she bill and coo. The girl shakes her head, keeping it pressed against the woman's shoulder. Angeline continue to comfort the girl, expecting for her to speak.

It takes only a minute for Mary to be calm and brave enough, "Daddy...dead," she stammers. It reignites the tears again and she let out a heart rending cry. It hurts Angeline to see her this way. What can be done to take all the hurt away from the girl she deeply cares for?. She is for certain that Mary's crying would wake her husband. Thankfully, he shifted slightly and quickly fell back asleep.

"Shh. My poor baby. Let me make it better," she reposition to lay down with Maryanne still in her hold—getting a small whine from her. The sudden movement convinces Mary that she's about to be removed from her comfort.

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