Chapter | Eight

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"Benjamin get up!" I yell at his collapsed body on the ground.

It has to be drugs.

At the worst of times he decides to get strung out.

"Benjamin I'm not kidding, if you don't get up right now. I'm going to get the police," my brows quirks up.

that will get him up.

I get no response when I gently kick him and he doesn't budge.

"Benjamin?" I slide through the gate, get on my knees to move him. Forcefully, his body rolls over. The scary part is that I no longer see pupils, just the white of his eyes.

"Benjamin! Oh my god!" I scream. his body responds by foaming at the mouth. I've seen this happen once to a dear friend of mine and it didn't end well.

"Someone help! I need an ambulance," I yell. One of the men in our community hears my cry and I tell him to run and get help.

I take a deep breath and gather my thoughts. I have to be calm for him.

I search through his pockets. In his left jacket pocket there is a brown bag with an empty bottle.

What was in this?

Checking his pants pocket I find his phone. With a shaky hand, I dial 911.

A woman's voice projects "911 , what's your emergency?".

I swallow, "I need an ambulance, I'm sitting with a man who is unconscious and foaming at the mouth".

"Okay, how long has he been unconscious?" She asks.

"About four minutes, I need someone to get here now!". I'm afraid that he's not getting oxygen to his brain.

"Okay ma'am. I need you to check his pulse and see if he's breathing". I put the phone down then i go to put my head on his chest then press my index and middle finger to his pulse on his neck.

"His breathing is very shallow and he has a very weak pulse".

"Alright, we have your location and the ambulance are on their way. I need you to keep him still and comfortable," She advise.

"Yes, please hurry!" I hung up. I look down at his helpless body and imagine what could happen if help doesn't come in time. How will I be able to tell that precious girl that her father died. I beg to differ reply his last words in my head for the rest of my life.

"Why Benjamin!? Why are you doing this to yourself!" I break down and sob.


Not a minute later , I avert my attention to the sound of the ambulance truck coming our way—the red lights illuminating the night sky. The ones in uniform rush towards the pitiful scene of me on the floor with Benjamin's head in my lap.

"Ma'am, can tell us what happened," the man lifts Benjamin's eyelids, waving a small light at them. He takes a stethoscope out of his bag to check his heart and feels for his pulse.

"He fell out right in front a me and when I rolled him over and he started foaming at the mouth," I tell him.

"Pulse is severely low, heart rate low, barely breathing" he turns to his partners and tells them to retrieve the stretcher.

"I found this in his pocket." I showed him an empty bottle that looked like it carried pills in it. He examine the bottle, announcing on the radio it's a code T40.

"Alright ma'am we are going to move him in".

"What's wrong with him?" I ask, but I don't get an answer.

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