Chapter | Twenty

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"Why do I have to go to the doctors?". Mary says. I look at her through the mirror. She's wearing a cute outfit I dressed her in—a simple red t-shirt and dark wash shorts. I did her hair in a braided low ponytail.

"Honey, you're due for a checkup. It's protocol for everyone to see a doctor at some point in their life. I want you to be healthy". She's quiet— looking out the window. Ever since her diagnosis, I'm apprehensive. It's best to get it done as soon as possible because a social worker is coming by later this week to see how well Maryanne is adjusting. It has been five days and  I can see she's been opening up more to us specifically Dario. Those two are like peas in a pod. I wish she could be like that with me. Patience is a virtue.

"I am healthy," she mumbles.

"You are! And with the doctor's help we can keep it that way," I pay attention to the roads. It's a bright and windy day. I'm looking forward to taking her to the beach soon.

The doctor's office is in a complex building with multiple suites. We take the elevator to the third floor, where all the medical offices are located. I was lucky enough to match her up with one of the best pediactics in town.

We are thirty minutes early for her appointment. I'd expect her to be nervous, and restless however, she appears to be calm at this moment. Her eyes are set on the movie that's showing. I still can't believe that she is here. I have to pinch myself whenever I look at her.

Later, we are called in. As instructed, they weigh and measure her. I can confirm that Mary is four feet and five and a half inches tall and weights fifty two pounds. She's a little thing. she sits on the examining table and observes the room, swinging her legs.

"Where would you like to go after we're done?". She shrugs. I have a lot of free time, I would like to spend it with her.

They took her pressure, she did an eye exam and a urine test, leading up to meeting her pediatrician. "Hello, young lady. Your mom says this is your first time getting a checkup," He  says. Mary gives him a funny look, then stares at me.

"Legal guardian," I correct.

"Oh! my apologies," he glances at his paper again. "In a way, you two look alike. Or maybe I need my eyes checked again." He jokes. "Let's get started, shall we?".

He goes through the normal procedures as far as checking her heart, lungs, ears and body corrdination. Everything was fine up until the moment he asked her to lay down. I can see the discomfort all over face. She squirms when his gloved hands reaches her abdomen area.

"Does it hurt?" He ask her. She shakes her head and folds her mouth tightly. "Okay, all done!" She sits up and put her head down.

"Sweetheart." I whisper. She looks up at me. "You okay?" I mouth. She stares at me then looks back down. I don't know what happened in the past and it makes me a bit irritated. For her comfort, I will be switching to a female doctor.

The doctor informs me that she isn't showing any signs of puberty as of yet. It's not too concerning because she nonetheless, has a few years ahead to start it.

"What about her height, is it normal to be this small at her age?" I ask.

"It's not uncommon, however a poor diet and an unstable environment is likey to contribute to stunting her growth. She is in the lower percentile for weight and height at her age. In general, I can say she is fairly healthy. She's even gained two pounds since her last weigh in, but she definitely has ways to go. I suggest giving her smoothies and shakes every now and then. How is her appetite?".

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