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Ace of Spades

Dayvon pulls the blunt from his lips as he sits in the living room of his house along with some friends off his, listening to music and basically just chilling.

It's been a week since the whole Andre situation.

"Bitch! On my soul when I see you I'm go beat the fuck out of you" Draco shouts pointing in his phone drawing everyone in the room attention.

"Aye folks chill out" Booka says seeing that he's on the phone with his 'girlfriend'.

Draco twists his face up looking at Booka like he's crazy. "Stop talking to me, you ain't my fucking father" Draco says and Booka tilts his head standing up.

"Nigga i ain't say I was your father, I'm just telling you to chill out talking to a whole female! You trying to press me or some?" Booka looks at him on go, ready for anything.

He don't really fuck with Draco like that anyways.

"Y'all it's not even that serious" Dayvon stands up adjusting his pants. "Plus y'all not finna be doing all that while lil folks nem here" Dayvon waves them off.

Draco is high as fuck, and his girl is making him mad, making him want to go off on everyone and everything.

"Man fuck all you niggas, on my soul" Draco says walking away going to the bathroom.

He knocks on the door seeing that it is occupied by someone and sucks his teeth going up the stairs.

Draco hangs up with his girlfriend as another call comes through. "Yo you go tell us the address?" The man on the other line says.

Royal peeks his head out the door, listening in on their conversation. "Man I gotta send it, these calls be recorded and shi. Make sure when y'all hit this nigga up, take valuable shit. We go sell that shit for some big money" Draco says and Royal stands their confused.

"Ite man" Draco says hanging the phone up.

Royal begins thinking on who he's talking about hitting up, and why did he need to be separated to be on the phone with that person.

Draco finishes in the bathroom, he exits seeing the three year old boy.

"What's up lil Nigga" he chuckles rubbing Royals head and Royal mugs him.

"Man you know you act just like you daddy" He says walking over to the balcony looking down at the group of man smoking, talking, and basically just vibing.

Royal begins to wonder if Andre is talking about harming his father. What should he do with this new information he learned.

Royal watches as Andre sloppily walking around, it seems like he's making his way over to the stairs.

Before you know it The small three year old uses all the strength in his body to push the much older man over the balcony.

Within a few seconds Draco lands on the glass coffee table, and everyone stops talking.

"Man what the fuck!" Dayvon shouts looking at his dead friend.

Royal is shocked with what he has done.

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