Chapter 44

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Salvatore's POV

Enzo shot Marcos right in the head and then he died on the spot but Lucy fell to the floor. She had fainted. This is what I never wanted to happen. Her getting taken away from us by people.

We went outside to see the boys there. They took care of the others but we wouldn't have been able to get her back without Damien. Even though it was his father who did this, he still helped us and I'm grateful for that.

"Oh no, what happened to her?" Matteo said while running up to me as I carried Lucy in my arms.

Before I could answer someone else said something, and that someone was Enzo.

"Non c'è tempo per le domande. dobbiamo portarla in ospedale" they nodded. Enzo, Matteo, Lucy and I were in one car while the others were in the other car.
(No time for questions. we need to take her to the hospital)

When we got to the hospital, she was taken care of immediately. We were told that she was going to be fine and she fainted due to lack of proper food. On the bright side, she was going to be okay.

We went to go see her when she was awake. She complained of a slight headache but the nurse said it will die down after some time. Damien, Luc, Emily and I refused to leave her side the whole time we were there.

We all showered her with all the attention she needed and told her we had a surprise for her at home. She was curious to know but we had to keep it a secret.

When everyone was calm, Emily occasionally whispers some things to Damien and he would turn a bit red while looking at Lucy. Time to keep my eye on this boy.

She was finally able to leave after sometime. We were advised to put an eye on what she eats since she had to have healthy meals to prevent that from happening again.

We were on our way home and dropped Damien and Emily off at their house. Damien and Lucy kept talking to each other but in whispers so no one else could hear them. Weird.

We drove back home but Lucy was already asleep by the time we got back. We didn't want to wake her up. She had gone through a lot and she needed to rest. I took her up to the room not before mom saw her. Mom. That'll need some more getting used to.

Everyone was just glad she was back safely.

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