Chapter 16

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Matteo's POV
"What should we do to the guys you brought to the warehouse?" Santiago asked hesitantly since Lucy was in the room. We don't want our bambina knowing about us torturing people so, Enzo and I walk towards Santi and we all go to Enzo's office.

"Have you asked them who they work for?" I ask Santi. I just want to know who was behind the attack and how they knew where they were at the time.

"It was Marco" Enzo says and I tense. Marco. What does Marco want from us this time. "He's after Lucy" Enzo says as if reading my mind. This is not good. How does he know about her already? She just got here like two or three days ago.

"WHAT?" We all here someone yell from the door. We all turn to see who it was and it happened to be Sal. "Sal just calm down, alright?" I try to get Sal to relax but it's not helping. I turn back to Enzo. "How did you find out he's after Lucy?" I ask Enzo wanting to confirm this information.

"The guy from the warehouse. Santi found out that he worked with Marco and I got him to tell me what Marco wanted. That's when he told me." Enzo says in a deadly calm tone. "SHE STARTS SCHOOL TOMORROW FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!" Sal just yells at us again. Why is he yelling so much? It's not our fault that things are like this now.

"Sal stop swearing" I scold him quickly. He glares at me with clenched jaws. After some time he leaves the office banging the door, hard. He needs to calm down. I know he loves her, we all do but that doesn't mean he should act like this.

"Well I guess we have some work to do" with that Enzo leaves his office and heads to the garage to get a car. He drove with me in the passenger's seat while Santi drove right behind us. He drove us to the ware house and we went to the basement.

Luciano's POV
Lucy and Diego are staring at each other like the other is gonna disappear if they blink. I just look at both of them sternly. My little sister is off limits!!!
"So, how about we go start the project? Twinnie, you can come too" she nods almost immediately and we go to my room.

"So...what's this project about anyway? She directs the question to me. Now that I think about it, I don't think we-"There is no project" Diego states bringing me out of my thoughts . He just had a smug grin on his face. I should have known.

"So what do you wanna do?" Diego asks us, well Lucy. "I don't-"Why don't we go to the gaming room?" I suggest cutting Lucy off. It wasn't intentional though.
They both nod and we head to the gaming room.

Luciana's POV
Diego and Luc are playing video games and I'm not interested in doing that so I'm just sitting down watching them and scrolling through TikTok. I realize that I wanted to ask Enzo how mama was doing and I wanted to call Em too. She didn't call me though, she says she would. "Umm, I'm going to my room now" I tell them and they nod still engrossed in their game.

I get to my room and decide to FaceTime Em. She picks up on the third ring.

A/N: How are you guys doing today? What do you guys think about this chapter?
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