Chapter 28

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"What's going on between you and Damien?" Then I froze. What makes him think there's something going on between us.

"What are you talking about, Sal?" I'm so confused at this point. What does he mean. Well I guess I have a crush on him but I don't know if he likes me back.

"Amore, Damien is dangerous. You're not meant to hang around with him. I only let you today because I was there and you seemed to enjoy his company" Well he's not wrong. I actually like his company.

I look at him not knowing what to say or how to reply to him.

"Enzo is not going to like it if he finds out you like a boy. Especially when he finds out that the boy is Damien" He sighs rubbing his forehead.

"Okay" what's with all of this. It's normal to have feelings for someone so why is it such a big deal if I like someone.

He just looks at me and then leaves my room. Shortly after I receive a text from Damien.

Hey, Princessa. Did you enjoy today?

Hi, I loved today. Hope to see you soon.

There was a knock on my door. I looked up to see Matteo standing there.

"Family meeting in the living room" that was all he said and then he left.

I got off my bed and walked to the living room and saw all my brothers there.

"Good evening everyone" Enzo says and we reply back. He had a serious kind of face. I hope Sal didn't tell them. I'll be damned.

"I would like you all to know that there have been some changes and our cousins will be coming tomorrow" Tomorrow, are the rooms ready yet?

"When you guys weren't around, I had some people take care of the rooms" Enzo said like he read mind. I can't wait to meet them. Yet again, I'm nervous around new people.

"I would like you all to not cause any trouble" he said directing his gaze to Sal and Luc. I wonder what kind of trouble he's talking about. They don't cause trouble, do they?

"Meeting's over" Enzo said and then we all got up and headed to our own directions. I remembered 'Em said we could come over—I could come over—but hey they won't let me go anywhere on my own.

I decided to go tell Enzo so we could go on Saturday. I walked to his room and didn't see him so I checked his office, I still didn't see him. I was going back to my room when I saw him leaving Sal's room.

Sal looked so guilty and I was hoping he didn't tell Enzo. "Luciana, my office now" Enzo said in a deadly calm voice. I quickly followed behind him and we got there. He told me to sit and I did.

"Now Lucy, I need you to confirm something and do not lie to me" Enzo said looking at me sternly.

"What's your relationship with Damien?"


A/N: Hehe, Don't forget to vote, comment and share

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