Chapter 32

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As time went by, I began to feel weaker. That's when I remembered the bracelet Enzo gave me when I first got here. I checked my wrist to see if it was there and luckily, I found it strapped nicely around my wrist.

I pushed the button on it since that's what Enzo said I should do when I was in danger. A red light flashed on it for a few seconds then it went off. I'm guessing it sent a message or something to them.

I get up from the bed but I feel a little bit dizzy so I sit on the bed. I don't know how but this bed feels like it's made up of rocks. I just sat there staring at the wall hoping and praying my brothers will get here soon when someone came into my room.

A plate of food was handed to me with some water. "Eat this" that was all that was said before the unknown person left.

I sat there contemplating on if I should eat it or not. I was really hungry though and my throat was as dry as a desert. I've been here for like a day and it feels like I've been here forever.

'What if the food was poisoned?' I thought to myself. Well I don't think they would just bring me here to poison me. Would they? They needed me for something, that why I was here, right?

I took my first bite out of the food and it didn't seem poisoned. Not like I know what poisoned food tastes like, but hey. I finished the meal and then drank a little bit of water. I dropped them by the bed and then took a walk round the room.

I heard the door open again and then I scurried back to my bed and sat down really hard on it only to whimper in pain due to how hard the bed was.

It was a man who looked like he was in his early twenties. He was pretty tall and had a dark stubble on his face and his outfit consisted of mostly black.

Another man came in who looked like he was in his early twenties. He had jet black hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. I can't help but feel a little scared in their presence but I try not to show it. He was a bit shorter than the other guy.

The last person came in. He came in with an aura that demanded authority whatsoever just like Enzo. He was kind of scary. A lot more scarier than those other two guys. He had his hair slicked back and it was really dark. He had a dark stubble on his face just like the first guy. His outfit was also black.I guess the people here love black. He was taller than the other men.

"Hello, Luciana" the last guy said so confidently. "I'm Marco and you're here because yours brothers need to be put in their place" I was so confused at the moment.

He seemed to notice it. "Your brothers took my place so now I have to take them back to where they belong" I still had no clue as to why I was here.

"And you want to use me to get to them?" I say but I sounded more like a question.

His eyes lit up. "I guess you're smarter than I thought. I guess I'll have to keep an eye on you" then he left the room. That's when I heard a clicking sound from the door. He locked me in here. Great.

A/N: Hey guys, how are y'all doing? Sorry for not updating sooner. I was suffering from severe writers block. I'm glad that I was able to write a new chapter for you guys.

Anyway let me know what you think about this chapter.

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