Chapter 43

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Luciana's POV

I was losing hope already. I didn't think I was getting out of here alive, they might as well just kill me already. I was tired of everything. My head aches and the world was spinning. The bed didn't make it better.

There were no chains but I couldn't get up. I was extremely tired. I just wished this was all a dream and I would wake up with my family by my side.

That's when I heard people shouting but I couldn't focus on their screams. I could only focus on how hard my head was pounding. I was in so much pain.

I tried getting up but my knees felt week. I struggled to get a look from the window at what was happening outside. I could only see some people shooting while some were running. I couldn't help but notice one of the bodyguards at home. THE BODYGUARD FROM HOME.

'Are my brothers here for me?' I thought to myself. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a door unlocking. I turned around and saw a furious looking Marcos. I walked backward as he took long strides towards me.

I backed up until I had hit the wall. There was no where else to go. "COME HERE YOU BITCH!" He screamed at me and pulled me by my hair. I screamed from the pain but my headache worsened.

"Please, let go of me" I cried out to him, but he didn't let go. He just smirked at me. He pulled me out of the room and we where in the hallway.

"Pathetic, you think you can get away from me, huh?" He said in a deadly voice. "DO YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY FROM ME?" He yelled and yanked my hair even harder. I didn't say anything. I couldn't even control my vision anymore.

"Let go of her you psycho" a familiar voice said.  Sal? I looked up and it was actually him.

"SAL" I tried running to him but Marcos pulled me back to him.

"Ah ah ah. Not so fast" Marcos said and held a gun up to my head and ran it down my face and back up.

"You didn't think you'd leave here alive did you?" He said pressing the gun harder.

Sal pointed his gun at Marcos but Marcos put his hand on the trigger of the gun.

"Put down your weapon, Sal or I'm going to shoot this bullet through her head and she won't survive" he said smirking down at me but I could only tremble with fear.

"PUT THE DAMN GUN DOWN!" He screamed. I couldn't help but hear some footsteps behind us but I didn't dare to turn back.

That's when I heard a gun shot then everything went black...

A/N: Hey guys, how're y'all doing?
I haven't updated in a while now but I'll try my best to.

Anyway, how did you guys like this chapter? I hope you enjoyed it.

I couldn't help but notice this book has gotten 18k reads!!! You guys are the best. Love you guys so much.

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