Chapter 36

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Lorenzo's POV

I was in my room about to go to sleep when I got a message from an unknown number. It was a video.

I clicked play and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was a torture scene of Lucy. She was screaming in pain due to what that dipshit was doing to her. I heard a knock on my door and Sal came in showing me his phone.

"This is so not good. We need to get her out of that death hole as soon as possible" Sal said. I would have done that ages ago if it was that easy.

We were about to leave my room but when we opened the door we saw a pale looking Luc. He didn't look down at his phone again. He couldn't bare looking at his twin in that amount of pain.

"Just give him what he wants so we can get her back" he said to me, his voice cracking at the end. I felt really bad at that moment. Everyone was relying on me and I was still trying to figure out a plan on how to get her.

I looked down at him, feeling like everything was on me at the moment. "I'll try my best, I'll do everything possible so we can get her back" I said and then he left. I guess the others were sleeping or doing something that's why they weren't outside their rooms.

Salvatore's POV

I went back to my room and called Flavio, one of our most intelligent workers. He's really good at finding out about people, tracking them and shit like that.

He picked up immediately but he seemed to be in a rowdy area. "Hey, Flavio, I need you to do a background check on this guy named Marco Martinez and his whereabouts. When you're done, send it to me ASAP" I tell him, going straight to the point. "Okay, boss" I then I hang up.

After an hour he sends it to me and then I see if there's anything useful. "I'll wait till tomorrow to talk to Emiliano" I say to myself just as a reminder then I went to sleep.


It was a rough night, I couldn't sleep so easily but I had to, so I would think straight in the morning. I did my morning stuff and then went out to meet Emiliano.

"Hey Marco, have you seen Emiliano?" I ask Marco our head driver.

"Yes boss, he just went into his room" he tells me pointing to a direction. I nod and then went in that direction.

I got there and I saw him sneaking out of his room, wearing a black hoodie with the hood up. He looked suspicious. I followed behind him and he went to a corner and made a call to someone unknown.

"What do you still want from me? You have the money and the girl. Can't you just leave me alone?" Okay so I was right. I was about to leave when someone tackled me to the ground. I was fast with my movements and I got up in time.

I turned around and pointed a gun at Emiliano and he had his hands up in surrender. "So you were trying to take me down, huh?" I say to him.

He trembles in fear and tries to hit the gun out of my hand but he fails miserably. I seize that opportunity and use my feet to throw him off balance and then he falls to the ground.

I hit him in the head with the gun but he put up a fight before it happened. Did he really think he could fight me?

I called some workers from the warehouse and they came within a short period of time.

"Take this fucker to the warehouse and keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't get away" I say and they do as they were told.

I went back to Enzo's office to find him there doing some work on his laptop.

"I found the snake" he looked up at me in surprise but masks it immediately with his normal emotionless face.

"Who was it?" He asked impatiently

"It was  Emiliano"

A/N: Hey y'all, how you doing?
I hope you liked this one.

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