Chapter 17

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Emily's POV
I was arranging my clothes in my closet since we just moved them my phone rang. I guess it was under the clothes I removed. Two missed calls from Lu. TWO MISSED CALLS FROM LU!!! I told her I'd call her, how could I forget. She calls me again then I pick it up.

"Hey Em, it's been a while" she sounds a little tired or sad. Maybe both? "Hey Lu, what's wrong?" I ask seeming concerned about her. She doesn't usually sound like this. "It's been i while since we've spoken. I missed you so much. You said you'd calm but you didn't so I decided to call you" she said. I know I said I'd call but I didn't just not call her on purpose.

"I'm sorry, Lu. I've been really busy and we just moved here two days ago so I was just putting my clothes in the closet. It's taking a lot longer than I expected" I say. "Okay then. Do you know what school you're going to?" Well dad said I'd start school next week but I never had the chance to ask him what school though. "I don't know yet but I'll find out soon. When are you starting school or did you already start?" Well she just got here so she might not have started school.

"Well I start tomorrow. I was told that I'd go to the same school as my brothers" I wonder how many brothers she has though.  "How many brothers are going to school with you?" I'm just curious though. "Well two. One is my twin, his name is Luciano while my other brother is Salvatore. He's 17" my mouth hits the floor. She has a twin!!! Suddenly there was a knock on my room door. "Hey Lu, I'll calm you later I promise okay?" "Alright, bye Em". And I hang up.

"Emmy, your mom said I should tell you dinner's ready" ohhh yeah mom told me about that a few minutes ago. "Coming uncle Marco"

Stefano's POV
We are back from the warehouse and wow those guys are so stuck up on keeping their mouths shut. They just had stone cold glares fixed on us. Well they're loyal, that's for sure.

Matteo and Enzo are in Enzo's office talking and I was told to look after the kids. Yeah kids. I looked everywhere and found Diego and Luc in Luc's room doing who knows what. "Where's Lucy?" I ask them. "She's in her room" Diego says while Luc just glares at him. I wonder what that's all about. Her room. Why didn't I go there in the first place.

I knock on her room door but I hear her talking to someone on her phone. That's strange, who is she talking to. Then it hit me, her friend from her other school. "Alright bye Em" I hear her say again. That's when I remember. Emily. Matteo told me about her, he said something about not trusting her. I don't know why though, he doesn't even know her.

I knock again and hear Lucy say 'come in' so I take that as my cue to go in.
A/N: A not so long chapter. Well things are getting interesting. Who really is Marco?
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