Chapter 2

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Luciana's POV
I see mom connected to different wires and an oxygen mask. She looks terrible. She looks pale with dark circles round her eyes. Sam gets a call and she goes outside the room. I walk towards mama's bed. "Mama please wake up. I miss you so much already, I don't want you to leave me. I can't do anything without you. Please wake up soon". I give her a kiss on her forehead and when I straighten up the door opens. I look over and see Sam and two intimidating huge men walk in. Oh my who are these men.

"Luciana, this is your father and your brother". Okay first of all I was never told anything about having a brother and now I'm seeing a someone here as a brother. Wow today is so weird.

"Hello Luciana, I'm Alessandro Ricci, your father" the first intimidating looking man says. He looks powerful though.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by another voice. "Hello Luciana, I am Matteo, your second oldest brother". The second man says. Okay second oldest!!!!. At this point I don't think I'll be surprised if anything surprising happens today. "Hi" I say as I wave shyly. I feel so scared around these men that are my supposed relatives. "Okay so I'm g-going to leave you guys in h-here to get to know e-each other"
Sam seems shaky. At least I'm not the only one affected by the presence of these men. She leaves the room in a flash and I'm left with two strangers.

They walk closer and their bodies tower over my 5'4 figure. There's no doubt that these men are above 6'3. They are practically giants. "Luciana, how do you feel?" The guy named Matteo asks me. "G-good" I internally took my eyes at myself for stammering hopefully it goes by unnoticed but that was just my hope not the reality. I just received a pointer look from Alessandro who seems to be looking into my soul to see if I'll tell the truth or not. Well Matteo looks like he doesn't believe and I wonder why- note the sarcasm.
"I feel terrible that my mom is in a coma and I'm just finding out about you guys after thinking I had only my mom and I was the only child" it just spilled uncontrollably. Wow what is wrong with me.

They still looked at me with unreadable looks and then Alessandro told me something shocking. Well I should've expected it. "You have 4 other brothers at home one of them happens to be your twin". I look at him dumbfounded as if trying to see if he'll say it was a joke but he just waited for a reaction. "Umm..I...uh...I-" luckily I'm cut off my Sam entering the room saying that we have to leave now and head to my house to get my things.

~Time skip~

We got home and I walked in with Alessandro, Matteo and Sam. I told them to take a seat while I went to pack my stuff. I grabbed a few clothes and other necessities. I went to mama's room and got something of hers to so a piece of her would be with me.

I got downstairs with my bag and phone already to go when I got a text from Em.

Texts between Emily and Luciana
Em- Girl are you still alive? It's been hoursssss
Lu- Yeah I'm still alive I wanted to come over to visit before leaving for New York though.
Em- Sure you can come. You're always welcome.
Lu- Okay I'll ask my dad first.
Em- Okay see ya.

End of texts

I walk over to Alessandro to ask him if I could go over to Em's house for the last time." Hey Alessandro umm- can we go over to my umm- f-friend's h-house". He looks at me with scrunches up eyebrows looking tense and says "Who is this friend Luciana?". Okay now how to explain this. "Well her name is Emily Robins and she lives down the street"I say. He seemed to relax visibly when I said 'her'. "Okay let's go then but we have to leave before six o'clock" I nodded at this but noticed him staring at me so I guess he needs verbal answers "Okay". "Excuse me but I can't follow you guys there because I have some important things to handle" Sam says. "I'll take my leave now". Sam told us "Okay bye Sam" I told her since she has been nice to me.

Not gonna lie but I still feel a little uncomfortable with these people who are my supposed dad and brother. But what can I do? The only thing I can do is pray that mama wakes up very soon so she can take me back but the other part of me wants to give these people and my other brothers a chance too. Ugh...why is my life so difficult?

"Let's get going then, shall we?" Matteo says standing up. I look up at him not knowing why he said that until it hit me that we were going over to Em's. At least I'll have someone I know to be with me for an hour before leaving here.

We walked over to their black expensive looking car. Matteo opened the back door for me and I got in while Alessandro walked over to the driver's seat. Matteo then walked over to the passenger's seat and got in. I'm not really into cars so I don't know what car brand this is but it seems really expensive. Coming to think of it they look very wealthy. Well I'll find out later.

"Luciana, where does this friend live?" Alessandro asked me. "She lives just down the street, four houses after mine". He nods and starts driving.
I don't know if I should call Alessandro papa because last time I did he seemed shocked, well he had an unreadable face but I could still see it clearly.

The car stops and I'm pulled out of my thoughts after hearing someone screaming my name. I look up and see Matteo and Alessandro looking at me like I'm going to disappear if they blinked. "What are you thinking about, bambina?" Matteo asked me. Okay first of all what in the world is 'bambina' and second how long have they been calling me? "Um...n-nothing". Why in the world did I stutter. Ughh...I'm so-"Bambina, if you don't want to go we can start heading to the airport" Matteo said. I just shook my head indicating that I still want to go. "Okay now shall we?" I didn't notice but Matteo was now by the side of me with the door open. When did he even get here? I notice his extended hand so I place my tiny hands in his huge ones and get out of the car.

We got to the front door and rang the door bell. Emily rushed to the door and opened it. Once she saw me, she squeezed me in her death hug. "Omg I already miss you so much!!!". She whined causing me to just smirk at her. I notice her freeze when she lets go of me and try to trace who she was looking at. I noticed that she was looking at Matteo. I internally laughed at her and introduced them both. "Em, this is Matteo, my second oldest brother" she had her mouth hanging open at the mention of 'brother'. Well what can I say, after being brought up as an only child you suddenly find out you have siblings. Well that's a lot to handle. "Matteo, this is Emily, my best friend". He looked at her giving her a blank expression. "Nice to meet you Emily".

With that we got in. Matteo was offered a seat while I followed Em up to her room. "Okay YOUR BROTHER, HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE???" She whisper yelled. I just narrated everything to her. At the end of everything, I'm sure her jaw hit the ground by the way her mouth was. "Omg I can't believe you're the one moving to New York" Em cried out. "Don't worry we'll still talk and you're moving too you know". I tried to make her look at the bright side. Luckily it worked and we hugged it out.

"BAMBINA IT'S TIME TO GO" Matteo yelled from downstairs. "OKAY I'M COMING" I said from upstairs. Em and I walked downstairs and saw Alessandro there too. "That's my dad" I whispered into Em's ear.
"Okay" she tells me. Okay? I thought she'll say something else. Anyway, we hugged again and waved ourselves goodbye.

"Did you enjoy your stay there, baby?" Alessandro asked me. "Yes I did but I'll miss her so much". Alessandro just smiled at me lovingly. Wow that's how he looks when he expresses his emotions. "Yeah I'm sure she did" Matteo said and then turned back on his seat. Alessandro drove us to the airport and then we got my bag down from the car.

We got to a very expensive looking private jet. Okay hold up they are so wealthy. We got in and my eyelids started getting heavy. "Sleep Tesoro, it's a long flight". I drifted off to sleep and felt someone carrying me and then laid me down on a bed.

A/N: This chapter is so long lol. Please vote, comment and share <3

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