Chapter 31

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Luciana's POV

I wake up in a strange room with a severe headache. The room was smaller than the one I had at home. It had a not-so-comfortable bed at the corner of the room.

The room had no windows, one door that leads outside and a clock which seems to be broken.

I try getting up from the bed but I felt a lot of pain in my wrists. That's when I realized that there were handcuffs on my hands and they were really tight.

I feel really light headed and completely exhausted. "How long have I been in here?" I whispered to myself. Not that I was expecting an answer.

Shortly after, the door opened and I lay down on the bed facing the opposite direction.

"I can see that you're awake" I hear a really deep voice speak. I'm too scared too turn around so I just maintain my position.

"Turn your head so I can see your face" I closed my eyes shut and pretended to be asleep. Hopefully, he would just go away.

"I know you're awake" he sighed. I heard him pull a seat from somewhere and he sits on it.

I could feel his gaze boring into my head and that just made everything worse.

"I won't leave" he says again. I sigh in defeat and turn around to face him. The handcuffs just made everything worse.

I looked at him and tried not to show my fear.

"Now that you're awake. I'd like to introduce myself to you" he said. Can he just get this over with and tell me why I'm here.

I look at him with a blank expression and he just continues.

"I'm Dante Martínez" he said with a grin. I'm confused right now. I'm kidnapped right? What's with all the nice talk and stuff?

"And you're?" He looked at me with a little bit of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"I'm Luciana" he smirked at me.

"Luciana who?" He asked. What's with all the questions. Just get this over with. I wish my brothers were here right now.

"Ricci" I say in a calm tone and his face goes pale but he tried hiding it. I smirk at his reaction.

"Okay" and with that he left the room.

Wow, what kind of kidnap is this. This is not what I expected but hey I'm not complaining. As long as I'm not hurt.

Dante stood at the door shortly after with some other random guy. Bored out of my mind, I lay on the uncomfortable bed. I want to go home. I miss them already. If only I had gone to Sal when he called me, none of this would have happened.

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