Chapter 10

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Luciano's POV
She looks at me and says "Luc, what's wrong?". I never really wanted her to see me like this. How will she come to me now if she has problems if I can't even mine. I just want her to be happy. I'll just tell her everything.

"It's dad, Lucy, it's dad. I play sports at school and he has come just once and he didn't even stay till the end. Whenever I have a soccer game I tell him. He says he'll always be there but at the end he never comes. Then he'll blame it all on his work. I just can't anymore". I'm a mess.

"Oh Luc, it's okay. I'll come to your game" she tells me trying to cheer me up. I smile at her and she smiles back at me. I snuggle her closer to me and tickle her, she laughs out loud trying to firm sentences "Ahh-hh stop Luc-ahh it tickles" she says out of breath. I finally stop tickling her and she looks at me "Luc, can you take me on a tour round the house?" She asks in a cute way. She's such a sweet little girl and the best sister a person could ever have and I'm lucky to have her as my twin. "Sure twinnie, let's go" I jump off the bed and extend my hand. She places hers on mine and I gently help her off the bed.

I take her downstairs and start at the living room. We get out of the living and past the stairs taking a left turn, we go into the kitchen. "So this is where it is" she facepalmed herself. "Yeah twinnie, this is where it is. Now I'm just gonna get some snacks but don't tell Matteo okay? He's a health freak" she smiles and nods. I take out some snacks from the shelves for twinnie and I.

~ Time Skip ~

Luciana's POV
I'm back in my room after the house tour and I found out there's a library, game room, indoor pool and gym!!! So Luc said the rooms opposite ours are our cousins and grandparents rooms. I wonder how many cousins we have, maybe they're not as much. He also said the left side of the house had work offices. I wonder what kind of work they do, I guess I'll ask Luc tomorrow.

I take a shower after the long day I just had. Tomorrow we're going shopping for the stuff I need even thought Enzo said I can get anything I want. I just don't want to waste money on stuff that aren't really necessary.

I grab my comfy pjs, put them on and dried my hair since I washed it. I finally turn off the slights and go to bed. I immediately drift off to my world.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: This was just a filler chapter

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A/N: This was just a filler chapter. Well what are your opinions about this chapter?
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