Chapter 34

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Alessandro's POV
After Enzo called, I started preparing my flight back to New York. I had called Daniel, the pilot to come and take me back to New York. He was currently on his way.

'How could she be kidnapped at home?' I thought to myself. The house is heavily guarded with security and even if the culprit made it in, it was almost impossible to make it out because of security. That was if they made it in. Something wasn't right.

I was finally on the plane and we were on our way to New York. The whole flight there was so stressful, due to the fact that I hadn't planned of going back today, not even tomorrow.

When the plane landed, I saw our head driver standing beside my car. I rush over to him and we drive home. I couldn't even concentrate on anything. The only thing I could think of was my bambina being kidnapped.

After we just got her back, she's kidnapped again. Who knows how she's being treated where she is. I bet she can't last one more minute wherever she is.

We got home and I went straight to Enzo's office to find him with Santi, Stef, Gio, Nico, Matteo, Sal and Enzo there. When did Gio and Nico get here? Anyway.

"What have you guys found out?" I asked them, directing the question to Enzo mostly.

"We have her location and we found a footage of the intruder getting in and out but we couldn't see their face" Enzo said.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Have you done a background check on her location?"

He nods " Yes, the place is kind of deserted and in the middle of nowhere. It doesn't look suspicious but from what we know, that's Lucy's location" At least we were getting somewhere.

"I was thinking of interrogating all the guards so we'd know if anyone has a clue about what happened that night" I said to everyone in the room.

They all nodded in agreement. I went straight to my office to see what I can do. I'll check the footage myself to see if they missed anything.

Luciano's POV

I couldn't sleep. Neither could Diego. We were both up all night. I was looking at the wall. We just got my sister back and now she's kidnapped. Whoever that fucker was, they're gonna pay.

Salvatore's POV

I bet it's that Emiliano guy that's the snake. I've always had my suspicions about that guy. From the way he acts to the way he talks to people without any ounce of respect. He acts like he has pure hatred for anyone that comes his way. Even though they did nothing to him. I'll put an eye on him. I'm not gonna say it's him.I'm just gonna carry out what's called an investigation.


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