Chapter 1

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Luciana's POV
"Lucyyyyy it's time for school" mom yells from downstairs. "I'm up" I yell back at her so she doesn't start getting worried about me. I brush my teeth and wash my face briefly. I get to my closet and decide to wear something simple today. I settled for a light blue hoodie, black leggings, white Nike socks and white sneakers.

For my hair, I just did a slick ponytail and brought two pieces in front to frame my face and then done

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For my hair, I just did a slick ponytail and brought two pieces in front to frame my face and then done

I don't really do that much makeup and today I'm going simple so I just use a little bit of lipgloss and mascara and I'm good to go

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I don't really do that much makeup and today I'm going simple so I just use a little bit of lipgloss and mascara and I'm good to go.

I go downstairs and find mom in the kitchen preparing breakfast. "Good morning mama"I greet her trying to see what she was making." Good morning baby, how're you?". "I'm good mama". Gosh whatever she's making is definitely making me much more hungrier than I was. "Pancakes!!!" I screamed like a little boy who just got a new video game. "Thank you mama" I'm so happy she made these cuz it's been a while since I had them. "No problem sweetheart, now eat up so you don't miss the bus" she told me." Okay mama" I replied and ate my breakfast. I packed my lunch which was just some fruits since I don't eat that much. I wave mama goodbye and walk to the bus stop which isn't that far from the house.

The bus arrives just on time and I get in. I spot my best friend Emily in a seat by the window. I walk over to her and sit next to her. "Hey Em, how're you doing today?". "Gosh Lu what took you so longgg" she whined like always. I internally rolled my eyes and smiled at her and said "Way to answer my question Em" she snickers and says she's fine. The bus starts moving and shortly after the bus stops and I realize we were at school.

"Wow this bus ride felt a lot shorter than usual don't you think" I say to Emily but she just shrugs. Emily's been acting off lately and I want to know what's going on. "Em, what's wrong?". She seems dumbfounded by my question but she looked at my face and saw I was serious. "Umm...n-nothing. What makes you think s-something's wrong?"she acts oblivious to the whole situation. "Em, we're friends. You need to tell me if something's wrong so I can see if I can help". Right now we just got to our lockers and got our books for the first class since we missed homeroom. "That's the problem Lucy, there's nothing we can do" tears start forming in her eyes and she continues telling me. "We're moving to New York because dad just got a job offer there"she's now sobbing. She's leaving Houston. "Em, you could've told me earlier. It's alright. Don't worry we'll talk as much as possible when you're not here. You don't need to worry okay?".
"Okay, thanks Lu". "You're welcome. Now we need to get to class FAST!!!". We rushed to our next class which was math and luckily we were 1 minute early.

We took our seats in the middle row close to the window.I sat by the window and Em sat next to me. Shortly after the math teacher, Mr Smith came in. A lot of grumbles were heard from the students present in class. "Good morning to you too. Now can you all open your textbooks to page 32". Emily tapped me and said she left her textbook at home so we had to share mine.

"Luciana Walker, please come to the principal's office"is heard from those speaker things in the hallway. Okay this is strange first of all Em just told me like 3 minutes ago that she was moving, second Mr Smith greeted everyone and now I'm getting called to the principal's office ughh 'can today get any weirder?' I thought to myself. Em mouthed "what's wrong?". I said "I don't know".

I walked to the principal's office and found a woman in a corporate outfit and Mrs Davids, the principal. "Good morning"I greeted since I am a child brought up with manners. They both reply with 'good mornings' and I'm told to take a seat. I sat down and got ready to here what was about to be said. I didn't think I did anything wrong for me to be here anyways.

"Hello Luciana, I'm Mrs Samantha Cartrer but you can call me Sam" the professional looking woman said. I nodded and replied with an 'okay' and continued listening.

"So Luciana, I came to tell you that your mom got involved in an accident today and was badly injured. She was luckily taken to the hospital on time by the paramedics. She is in the hospital right now as we speak and she is in coma so the social services had to look for a legal guardian for you and found out that you have relatives in New York". Sam just told me something unbelievable and I can feel a dam of tears ready to burst open at any second in my eyes. This is a lot to comprehend and I can't handle it. Now I've gotten my answer to my previous question.

"I'm sorry but when can I see my mom and who are these relatives you speak of because my mom never told me anything about them". I told the social worker, Sam. I'm still in shock from this information. Mama is in coma and I have relatives??. "Luciana we can go and see your mom now and I have contacted your dad so he'll be there to pick you up" Wait a minute dad? Where is all of this coming from. I don't care about anyone right now I just want to see my mama.
I'm feel some tears on my hands and notice that I've been crying.

"I'm so sorry Luciana, please don't cry. We can go see her right now if you want. I may not understand how it feels but it's going to be fine. Let's just pray that she wakes up sooner, okay?". Sam tries to get me to stop crying. KEYWORD: TRIES. I eventually stop and we leave the office. I get my bag and books and text Em what's happening when we get to Sam's car.

Texts between Emily and Luciana
Lu- Hey Em. I just found out something crazy.
Em- Wait Lu, where in the world are you it's been 40 minutes and what did you find out
Lu- My mom got in an accident and I found out I have a father and he lives in New York.
Em- Hold on your mom got in an accident????
Lu- Yeah. I'm so sad about that
Em I'm sorry Lu
Lu- It's okay. We just pulled up in the hospital
Em- Wdym by we?
Lu- The social worker and I. Her name is Sam btw. Ttyl byeeeee
Em- KK

We got down from the car and went to mom's hospital room.

A/N: Please kindly point out any mistakes. This is my first book . Let me know if you like it.
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