Chapter 37

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Lorenzo's POV

The older boys and dad go to the warehouse while the younger ones stay at home, just to be safe.

Dad, Sal and I went to Emiliano's cell while the rest went in different directions, to find the solution to our problem.

If we needed to find out anything, it was going to be from Emiliano. And we needed to find out fast.

We got to his cell and we found him tied up in a chair. He was awake and he was looking at the walls and the ceiling.

"Emiliano, tsk...tsk, how bad of you to betray the people you work for" I say to him. He was actually shaking from fear and with every step I took, he cowered in fear and moved back with his chair until he hit the wall.

"Nowhere to run to now, is there?" I say calmly to him.

"Now would you like to tell us why you did what you did?" I ask him cutting to the chase. I didn't want to spend my whole day here, I had a lot to do and we had to get my sister back.

"Marcos, h-he kidnapped m-my w-wife and he threatened to kill her i-if I didn't d-do what he a-asked of" he said with unease.

"Then why didn't you say anything about it? You just had to go behind our back. You know it has consequences right?" He nodded his head, he had tears streaming down his face and he looked so helpless.

"He told me not to say anything to you or anyone or else he'd kill her and my daughter" I had pity over him but what was done was done and we couldn't go back.

"Do you have any idea on where he is and how we can get there, or maybe, how we can get in the building?"

He nodded his head. "The building is in a secluded area" he continues and tells us how to get in and out of the building without being seen.

"How do you know all of this?" I asked him. I was really curious as to how he knew about this secret hideout.

"I've met him there before" he said seeming a little bit calm since I didn't harm him...yet.

"Thanks for cooperating but you still need to get punished" he lowered his head in shame and regret.

"I understand" he said. I wasn't going to kill him. I just shot him in his leg so it wouldn't cause that must damage to him. He bit down on his teeth with pain. I called some people to come take care of that wound.

Now it was time for a plan. We would go there this night so it would be easier for us to hide in plain sight.

We were on our way back home when we got a call from Luc. "Mom's here"

A/N: Series of events unfolding. Here's some popcorn 🍿 while you keep going.

Anyway guys, don't forget to vote, comment and share

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