Chapter 13

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Luciana's POV
Everyone was boring holes into my skull so I move closer to Luc. I see some girls giving me dirty looks. I wonder why. "Now let's start with your school supplies" Stef suggests and we go to the stationary section. I see three pretty binders but I don't know which one to pick. I have to take one binder. I don't want to take what I don't need. Luc notices my indecisiveness and puts all three in the trolley. "No, I don't need all those, just one is fine. I don't want them to go to waste" I tried convincing Luc. KEYWORD: TRIED. But he just didn't listen.

"Twinnie, you don't need to decide on one if you can't" he keeps telling me that. I understand that arguing won't get me anywhere so I forget about it. We finally finished school supplies and went over to the clothing section. Salvatore just trails behind us mumbling done stuff under his breath, Stef leads the way and occasionally tells Salvatore to be quiet. Luc, on the other hands keeps telling me that I should get whatever I want.

We go to the Gucci section. I see a lot of bags, clothes and shoes. Luc just picks up everything in my size and if I lay my eyes on anything, it's picked up by him or Stef while Salvatore just keeps grumbling.

After leaving the Gucci store, we go to Chanel, Prada and Versace stores. Stef leads us to the Victoria's Secret store and Salvatore insists on standing at the door. Stef kept arguing with him while Luc and I were laughing at them but Salvatore stood his ground. Stef finally gave up and walked us inside the store. We got some underwears, panties and perfumes too.

"I'm tired and I wanna go home"Salvatore kept saying while we walked to the apple store. "Stef I don't really need it. I already have a phone"I kept begging Stef but he wouldn't listen. He kept on ignoring me until he got the iPhone 14 for me. "Bambina, you deserve everything we're giving to you right now. Just accept it." I sighed knowing that I can't argue with him. He also got me an iPad and a mac book air.

"Where are we going next" Luc asked Stef with a huge grin. This boy is gonna stay young forever. My tummy makes an unladylike sound which causes all my brothers to look at me. I flush red and I could've sworn I'd seen a ghost smile appear on Salvatore's face. Does he like me now? I hope so.
We finally get in the car and place all the shopping bags in the trunk of the car.

"I guess we all know the answer to that". We stop at a McDonald's drive thru. What do you want bambina? Stef asks me "I'll just have some French fries and three chicken nuggets please" I say politely with a smile. He nods and the rest of the guys ordered what they wanted. I eat some of my fries and two nuggets because I was full. I gave the rest to Luc and he ate them all up.

I look outside the window and notice three black cars following us. I brush it off, maybe they happened to leave McDonald's at the same time as us. We make a right turn but they're still behind us. I start panicking and I do the only thing a reasonable person would do.

"Stef, three cars are following us",he seems to not have heard what I had said. "Baby, what is it?". "Stef, three cars are-" I'm cut off by the sound of a gun shot that hit the back of the car. I check to see some guns pointed at us. Oh no.

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