45. Visions

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3 chapters...

-Y/n's pov-

'Boss, we lost the general' a man says and another man on a throne slams his fist on the armrest 'how is that?!' he asks 

'we almost killed the princess when two older women came and one killed our general' the man explains 'and the princess, is she dead?' the boss asks but the man shakes his head 

'how so?!' the boss asks 'we don't know, we tried multiple times before the elder women came but there was something protecting her, we could hurt her but we couldn't kill her' he says 

'find a way to kill that fucking minx, and after that kill her mother and brother, we want them dead by the end of this week!' the boss shouts

I gasp for air as I jolt up, I look around, the hospital wing 'oh no, no, no, no' I mutter, madam Pomfrey walks over to me 'Y/n!' she says 'how are you feeling?' she asks 

'how long have I been out?' I ask 'around 14 hours, but how do you feel?' she asks 'fine, honestly' I say and she sighs in relief 'I thought you'd fall into a coma' she says and I smile 

'I didn't, so don't worry' I say and she smiles softly. 


I am pacing around in my dorm room, I don't know why I am seeing those visions, I don't even know these people and yet they tried killing me. I have to inform my father

I stand up and walk towards the common room 'finally Y/n, we thought you fell asleep' Blaise shouts as I walk down the stairs 'I have something to do' I say and teleport to Jupiter, I walk into the throne room 

'Aurora, what a great surprise!' my father says 'I have seen visions, of people I don't know, I almost got killed by them yesterday, they had special weapons' I explain and he looks confused 

'what do you mean, my daughter?' he asks 'there are people trying to kill me and they had special weapons' I say and he looks at my mother 

'what did they look like?' he asks 'just people' I answer 'and they tried killing you?' my mother asks and I nod 'they didn't, because something was protecting me' I answer.

'weird, but inform us the second something is happening' my father orders and I nod 'I will father' I say 'good' he says and I teleport back, I walk over to my friends and sit down 'where did you go?' Ron asks 'Jupiter, had to inform a few things to my dad' I say and just look at the fire, deep in thought

'is she okay?' I hear Pansy say, I turn my head to Pansy 'I am fine, Pans. Just stressed' I say 'why is that? We don't have to be scared of anything, no nose is gone, we're all friends, we're safe' she says 'there is still this beast out in the forests' I say and look at the window

-Harry's pov-

Y/n has been acting weird since she woke up, like she's in a trance, there is something going on and I just can't find out what, I want her to be okay.

It's probably something on Jupiter, but she doesn't tell us, which is weird because she always tells us things, it must be important.

-Y/n's pov-

I see Harry's concerned face in the corner of my eye, he knows something is wrong, of course he knows, he knows me his entire life, he can read me like a book and knows me as the back of his hand. 

I look at him and he looks away, I sigh and listen to Blaise who is explaining something 

'so yeah, a poltergeist is just a type of ghost or spirit that is responsible for physical disturbances, such as loud noises and objects being moved or destroyed. Most claims or fictional descriptions of poltergeists show them as being capable of pinching, biting, hitting, and tripping people. They are also depicted as capable of the movement or levitation of objects such as furniture and cutlery, or noises such as knocking on doors. Foul smells are also associated with poltergeist occurrences, as well as spontaneous fires and different electrical issues such as flickering lights.' he says and everyone looks impressed 

'so you finally paid attention in class?' Draco jokes and Blaise glares at him. So now Blaise is chasing Draco down who is running for his life.

I look at Harry and see him with a smile on his face, I sneakily walk towards him 'you like Draco, don't you?' I ask him and his head shoots towards me 'what?' he asks and I smirk

'yes you do, just admit it' I say and he sighs, hiding his head in his hands 

'yes I do' he whispers back 'I knew it!' I say and Hermione turns around but I just smirk at her and she nods, knowing exactly what I am smirking at.

I walk away from Harry and go towards the apartment, I knock on the door and walk inside 'babes?' I shout, Bella is sitting on the couch and Cissa is looking out of the window, god they're hot. 

'hey sweet girl' Bella says and I smile 'hey little lion, how are you?' Cissa asks 'I am fine, how about you two?' I ask 'we're good' Bella says and smiles at me 'what did you do today?'Cissa asks and she turns around to look at me 

'just chilled a bit after classes and I told my father about the attack of yesterday' I say and they nod 'good that he knows about it too' Bella says and I nod, sitting down next to her, she wraps her arm around my waist 

'and you two?' I ask 'worked a bit' Cissa answers 'I had to grade a lot of tests' Bella says and I chuckle 'sure you do' I say and look out of the window.


'when are your men ready?' a man asks 'they're healing as fast as they can, that minx really did some damage' an another man says 'it's just a little kid, kill her already!' the first man shouts.

I gasp as I look up, shit I'm still in class. I look at Mcgonagall and focus on her.

'you all know the spell, serpensortia, you all learned to master the spell, but the information behind it is pretty interesting' Mcgonagall starts 

'So, the Snake Summons Spell, also known as Serpensortia. Is a transfiguration spell that conjures a live snake from the end of the wand. Out of all of the spells use to conjure living things, The Snake Summons Spell is amongst the easiest, alongside the Bird-Conjuring Charm. The counter-spell to this conjuration is the Snake-Vanishing Spell. And what do we call that spell?' she asks, Hermione raises her hand the first  

'Hermione?' MCgonagall asks 'Vipera Evanesca' she answers and Mcgonagall nods 'can you tell something about it?' Mcgonagall asks and Hermione nods 

'The Snake-Vanishing Spell, also known as Vipera Evanesca. Is a transfiguration spell that vanishes snakes. As such, it can be used as a counter-spell for the Snake Summons Spell, the fire to snake spell, or likely any other spell that produces snakes. Black smoke comes out of the tip of your wand when you cast this spell' she explains and Mcgonagall nods 

'thank you Hermione, now everyone, go make the exercises 6 to 22 on page 92 in your book' Mcgonagall says and we go to work.


 'Aurora!' my friends shout and I smile 'hey guys' I say as Sara hugs me 'where have you been?' she asks 'at school, it was pretty busy' I say and laugh 'how have you been?' Jada asks 

'good, although I had a few visions and I almost got killed' I say and chuckle 'visions?' Louis asks 'and almost getting killed?!' Scarlett adds 'yeah' I say 

'how did they look like?' Sam asks 'just men and they had blue glowing weapons' I explain and they look at each other 

'why are y'all looking at each other like y'all know what I'm talking about?' I ask 'well, those weapons you're talking about are the weapons of the special forces of your kingdom' Amara explains 

'how do you all know?' I ask 'we learnt about it at school' Sara says 'so you guys are saying that the special forces of my kingdom are trying to kill me? Aren't they there to protect me?' I ask and chuckle, because it doesn't sound logic. 

'maybe, or it are people who stole the weapons' Hugo says 'I have to find it out' I say and stand up 'chill out, Aurora. They won't get to you in here' Sam says and I sit back down 

'you're right, they won't' I say and we just chat.


Wednesday vibes from this chapter, which I didn't do on purpose hahaha, just love the idea of the visions.

Connections ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix Lestrange x Narcissa MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now