26. Anxious

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-Y/n's pov-

I see Voldemort, an entire army behind him, it's even bigger than before 'stand down, Hogwarts. Or you'll lose, I have supernaturals!' Voldemort shouts no....

Then supernatural creatures appear out of nowhere and start attacking all the students, I try to move but I can't, I am glued to the ground

The supernaturals are too strong, dragons, sirens, demons, zombies, werewolves and more, all the students start to die, one by one. 

I look at Voldemort, he's smirking, not even doing anything. He just laughs as the supernaturals are killing against their wills.

I jolt up 'it's okay, you're safe, sweet girl' I hear Cissa's soothing voice, I look around, Cissa is next to me, I now notice that I am sweating, crying and my throat hurts 

'you started screaming in your sleep, I assume you had a nightmare?' she asks and I nod, breaking down. 

She pulls me onto her lap, laying my head in the crook of her neck 'it's okay, baby. Let it out' she whispers, rubbing circles on my back.


I stayed in bed for like a few hours, I didn't feel like getting up and doing anything, I didn't even had the energy to keep my eyes opened.

'how is she going?' I hear Bella's voice 'bad, she didn't even move these past hours' Cissa says 

'I don't know what came over her, she was just so distracted in my class, I had to ask, and then she broke down' Bella explains 

'it isn't your fault' Cissa says 'but I do care about her, I hope you do too' Bella says 'of course I care about her, I'd jump in front of a train for her, but I don't think that it is any of our fault' Cissa says 

'it's about her father' Bella says 'you think?' Cissa asks 'she keeps getting visions of him, maybe nightmares too?' Bella says. 

I feel the bed dip next to me and a hand caressed my face 'baby' I hear Bella's face, I open one eye 'do you want dinner?' Cissa asks 'hmh' I say, meaning no

'but baby, you need to eat' Cissa says 'not hungry' I say and turn on my side, laying on Bella's chest.

I close my eyes and I feel her arm snake around my waist, the bed dips behind me and Cissa spoons me, wrapping her arm around my waist 

'we'll be here, baby' she whispers in my ear, holding me close as I feel myself slipping away.


So, a few days passed, my scars have faded and I am going a little better, I follow classes but keep getting supervised by Tom, Mattheo, Bella or Cissa. 

Currently I have a free period and no one is supervising me, that's new. I have around 2 hours free time so I put my stuff in my dorm and grab my broomstick.

I get to the quidditch pitch and let a snitch go, I wait for a few minutes and go to find it, also doing a few loopings, acting like I am dodging bludgers and players. 

I then get the brilliant idea to go broom surfing, I set my broom at the central point and first lift my right leg, putting it at the front of my broom, then my left at the back of my broom

I keep my balance and start making turns, staying steady on the broom, I feel free, free of all of my problems, I feel at peace. 

 The cold november wind blows through my hair and it feels, amazing. I go down to the ground and jump off of my broom at a decent height. 

I grab my broom and walk towards a bench, I sit down for a moment, putting my broom next to me 

'pretty cool moves' I then hear, I turn my head and see my brother, Tom 'thanks' I say and he sits down next to me 'I thought I'd find you here' he says 'you did?' I ask 

'yeah, I know how much you love quidditch' he says and I smile 'yeah' I mutter.


I am sitting in the library, working on an project for defence against the dark arts, it's about the unforgivable curses and Bella is asking questions that aren't even in the book, every time I ask for help she says 

'you should've listened instead of  talking with your brother' she says, she's doing this for torture. I mentally groan as I reread the question

52. When did the ministry ban the unforgivable curses?

I close my book and pack up, I ain't doing this anymore. I walk out of the library and get to my common room, once I get inside I see many people sitting together by the fire

I say hi to some and get to my dorm, I get inside and change into some sweats and a shirt. It's already pretty late and tomorrow our vacation starts, which means I am going back to the kingdom.

I keep being anxious about Voldemort, now that we have taken his books, he needs to come up with a new plan, a plan we don't know about.

I walk downstairs and see my friends sitting by the fire, I sit down next to Hermione whose sitting on the couch, then I see some people walking in 'Dray!' I say, I stand up and give him a hug 'I haven't talked to you in a while, why is that?' he asks

'I don't know, didn't see you that often' I say and we chuckle, Tom, Mattheo, Pansy and Blaise come sitting down with us, I am happy they're all going good together, no fights anymore

We're all just a bit talking about what everyone is going to do in the vacation, I just listen, not saying what I am going to do. 

I am happy that all of my friends are tagging along, it is starting to become a big family made out of friends. I lean against Tom, who is sitting at the corner of the couch, then me and then Mattheo, I close my eyes for a moment and sigh.

'you okay?' Tom asks 'I am fine' I say, I summon a glass with spirytus Vodka and chug it 'jesus what is that smell?' Hermione suddenly says 

'it smells like spirytus' Blaise says 'probably some weird kid trying to change water into rum, getting some weird substance' I say and they nod, I make the glass disappear and we continue to talk for a while.

I look at the clock and see that its 1:15AM'I am tired so I am going to bed, Gin, Mione, you two coming?' I ask and they nod 'yeah, it's already late' Gin says 'okay, goodnight y'all' everyone says and we leave to get to our dorm.

All of us quickly change and get into beds 'goodnight,girls' I say 'goodnight' both of them say and we all drift off quickly. 

Connections ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix Lestrange x Narcissa MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now