40. Class

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-Y/n's pov-

It's night and everyone is asleep, but I am thinking about my father's words

'why don't you ever talk about my uncle?' I ask, my brother, mother and father are on their thrones, all looking at me 'because we don't' my father says

'but what is the reason?' I ask 'he's a prick, that's why' he answers 'care to elaborate?' I ask 'he killed my parents' he says and I widen my eyes as if I didn't know that already

'why, that were his parents too right?' I ask 'yes, but he developed a habit with dark magic and wanted to rule hell, so I sent him there' my father explains and I nod 'do you ever visit him?' I ask 'no' he answers 'will you?' I ask

'Aurora why are you asking about Sat... your uncle?' my mother asks 'because I never hear y'all talk about him, so I am curious' I say

'no, Aurora, I won't ever visit him' my father answers 'is there even any way to visit him?' I say and sit down on my throne 'yes there is, but no one uses it and no one is allowed to, only we can, because we're royal. But we don't use it because it's dangerous' my father explains and I nod.

'what are we talking about? A portal? A spell?' I ask 'it's a portal, that guards the portal to Hell. We can make portals to certain places by using our Elektrokinesis' he explains and I nod 'that sounds cool' I say

'you won't go there, it's too dangerous' he says 'of course not, I ain't stupid' I say 'good' he says. 

I get up from my bed and leave my room, I slowly leave the common room and realise, I am prefect, I can walk outside without getting caught, I am "on a stroll to look if students are out of their beds"

I smirk to myself as I am walking towards the room of requirement, I get inside and look around, a free spot at the farest corner of the room, I raise my hands and electricity sparks appear. 

I think about hell and shoot it at the wall, but I only hear a thud, I groan as I can't figure it out. I then close my eyes and teleport to the library in the kingdom, I sneak around and go to the dark magic

All the portals in the world
How do portals create?

What are portals?

I find three books and quickly teleport back to my dorm, I start with the third one, what are portals?

a portal is an opening in a wall of a building, gate or fortification, or the extremities (ends) of a tunnel. It's centering on characters that move from their present reality to another world via a "portal" of some kind. These stories often revolve around characters teleporting to entirely new surroundings and dimensions. Portals can occur anytime two energy lines cross, forming a potential spiral that can become a portal, and when lined up with others, a wormhole. Portals can also occur when two circles intersect, creating a vesica pisces (where cross currents creates a wiggle in the energy field so one can move through. Also, when parallel lines of energy create a wiggle like the two lightning-struck trees next to each other that help with personal transformation when you pass between them. Lots of ways you can move through energy. 

And I continue to read. After like an hour I finish the first book, now I got ot how do portals create.

Portals only can be made by royals, the Morningstar family are the only people who manage to open a portal or create one, but how do they do that? With Energy manipulation, Devils are able to manipulate energy, because a portal is an energy source, with the energy manipulation, the devils are able to create a portal, it happens when two lines of energy cross, just by thinking of the location they want to go while making the portal will connect the portal to that specific location. The portal won't be visible for humans, only for the supernaturals and only Royals who have the rights can open these portals, when a supernatural that isn't a devil, goes through the portal, he or she will burn to death. 

Connections ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix Lestrange x Narcissa MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now