38. Disappearance

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-Lucifer's pov-

Aurora wasn't present at breakfast and I haven't seen her out of her room once today, it's weird because I know that she always goes out of her room, I hope she's okay 

'I am going to check on Aurora' I say and my wife nods, I walk through the halls and arrive at my daughter's room, I knock onto the door 

'Aurora, it's me, may I come inside?' I say, but I don't hear an answer, I knock again but no answer, I slowly open the door and look inside

But frown as I don't see anyone 'Aurora?' I ask, looking in her walk-in closet, no one, bathroom, no one

I quickly walk out of her room and look around the castle, she's nowhere to be seen. I walk back to the throne hall 'Aurora is gone' I say 'what do you mean?' my wife asks 

'I went to her room because I didn't see her all day and she isn't there' I explain 'maybe she's outside?' she suggests 'wouldn't she tell us?' I say 

'it's Aurora, no she won't' she says and I nod 'you must be right' I say and she smiles 'she'll be fine' she reassures and I sit back down.

-Y/n's pov-

Hell is actually really cool, Satan made it like Jupiter but in his style, it's fucking amazing. The girls are really sweet and told me many funny stories, tonight they're having a party with Sam and his friends and I am invited, fun!

We're currently in the dining room, at a long table with many others, suddenly Satan stands up and clings his glass 

'dear people, I want to announce the arrivement of my dear niece, Aurora Morningstar!' he says and people cheer, causing me to smile 

'she chose to visit us and is able to stay as long as she wants, treat her as your princess' he orders and we start eating.


I am currently in my room, looking at the clothes in the closet, I choose a deep red dress, it's cute.

I do my makeup and my hair until someone knocks onto my door 'come in!' I shout and it's Jada 'hey Aurora' she says 'hey Jada' I say and she looks at me 

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I do my makeup and my hair until someone knocks onto my door 'come in!' I shout and it's Jada 'hey Aurora' she says 'hey Jada' I say and she looks at me 

'damn girl, want to impress someone?' she teases and I laugh  'did my counter just went up by one?' I tease back and she laughs 'hell it did' she says and she fixes my hair 'you look, totally gorgeous' she says 'thanks Jada' I say and she smiles 

'let's go, the others are already downstairs' she says and grabs my hand. We walk through the corridors and she drags me with her, we arrive at the living room and everyone is chilling, as soon as we enter, all eyes fall on us, making me anxious, but some whistle causing the anxious turn into confidence.

'heya!' I say and they all smile 'hey Aurora!' they say and Sara and Sam smile the brightest 'glad that you could join us!' they say 'wouldn't wanted to turn this down' I say and sit down on the couch, next to Harry and Scarlett

Connections ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix Lestrange x Narcissa MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now