44. Attack

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4 chapters...

-Y/n's pov-

it's the end of the school day and I am just walking around the school, alone. I look out of the archway and see the forest, where the kills happened, it's weird. 

It has been very peaceful and now two people are killed by what seems a beast. I lean against the stone and just look into the distance, I look around and I am the only one in the corridor, I look back at the forest but I shake my head.

I walk back to the common room and get inside, as always, my friends are together near the fireplace 'hey where were you, we were looking for you?' Pansy asks 

'I was just walking around' I say 'okay, well did you hear?' Harry asks 'what did I have to hear?' I ask 'we're going to Hogsmeade in a few days, apparently there is a feast and we're invited to come' Astoria explains 

'we have to be there?' I ask 'yes, attendance is mandatory' Draco answers 'okay' I answer and it's silent for a moment 'don't you all think that it's weird after such a long period of peaceful times, there are two kills, probably done by a beast?' I suddenly asks 

'we have weird beasts in the forest who kill each other, it's just a coincidence that two wizards were killed' Pansy says 'I find it weird' I say and look around. 

A shadow comes past the window and I stand up 'Y/n, are you alright?' Hermione asks and I look at her 'I uhm, I'm fine. I-I just need some air' I say and I walk out of the common room.

I walk straight towards the exit of the school and walk out, I can't stop walking, I walk straight into the forest, anxious.

Just when I am in the middle of the forest, I realise what I am doing 'oh fuck' I mutter and look around, it's dark. I have to get back before someone notices I'm in the forest.

'well... well... well' I hear a voice, I turn around and see a few guys 'who are y'all?' I ask 'we're here to kill ya, princess' the guy says and my eyes widen

I quickly turn around and start running away, I hear them behind me and I change into my third form, but something electric hits my back and I scream it out.

-Bella's pov-

I hear a scream making my head jolt up, I stand up and walk towards Cissa's office 'you heard someone scream did you?' she asks and I nod 

'Y/n's in trouble' I say and she nods, we both shift into our mist and fly out 'where can she be?' I ask my sister 'I don't know' she answers 

'Y/n, Y/n are you okay? Where are you?' I ask her 'H-help. F-forest' I hear her say faintly, I nod to my sister and we fly into the forest 'split up' Cissa orders and I go right, she goes left 

But I can't find her, causing me to panic 'I found her' Cissa says and I immediately turn around and fly towards where Cissa is, I fall onto my knees as I see Y/n, laying on the ground

'oh no..' I mutter 'that little minx isn't gonna wake up' someone behind us says, I quickly stand up and defend my sister and girlfriend 'you did this?' I ask 'yeah, I need the bitch dead' he says and I inhale deeply. 

I smirk 'you're messing with the wrong people, boy' I say and he laughs 'I think you're messing with the wrong people, old woman' he says 

'why is that?' I ask 'we're with 6 and you're just with 3, oh wait, 2' he says and I laugh 'do you even know me, little man?' I ask 

'no, I don't need to know you, bitch' he says and I grin at my sister 'great' I say and grab my wand 'AVADA KEDAVRA!' I shout and his body falls onto the ground 'any other volunteers?' I ask and his friends run away, causing me to laugh

'Bella, enough laughing, we need to bring Y/n back' Cissa says, getting me out of my trance 'oh fuck' I mutter and I look at Y/n 'how are we gonna take her?' I ask 'lift her with your spell and we'll fly back' she says and I nod.


Y/n's laying in the bed in the hospital wing 'she keeps coming back in here doesn't she' madam Pomfrey mutters as she's treating Y/n's wounds, it's weird because normally her wounds would heal fast, but these don't.

'why don't her wounds heal, she has to heal faster because of her powers, but they don't' I say and my sister nods, but she's in thought 

'have you seen what kind of weapons these people had?' she asks 'no, did you?' I ask and she nods 'they had blue glowing swords and axes' she explains

'glowing?' I ask and she nods 'do you think that they killed the two wizards in the forest?' I ask but she shakes her head 

'those wounds were different from the ones Y/n got, there is something else in that forest and I can't wrap my head around it' she says and I sigh 

'we have to be glad that it didn't attack Y/n' I say and we look at her, she's unconscious but her wounds are covered 

'Y/n is in good condition, just a bit fragile. She'll just has to wake up and heal' madam Pomfrey tells us and we nod.

Suddenly the door opens and we look at it 'where is our sister?' Tom asks and I point at the bed 'fuck, fuck, fuck' Mattheo says and he rushes beside his sister 'careful with her, she's fragile' Cissa warns and he nods

'what happened?' Pansy asks 'she was attacked by people in the forest' I answer 'people?' Harry asks 

'we don't know if it were humans, supernaturals or wizards. The only thing we know is that they hate Y/n and they had blue glowing swords and axes' Cissa explains 

'are they the murderers of those two killed wizards?' Draco asks but Cissa shakes her head 'the wounds that we're on the wizards were different from the ones Y/n has, so there is a beast out there and we don't know what it is' Cissa explains 

'what was she even doing in the forest?' Astoria then says 'we don't know' I say 'we were in the common room and she joined us, but stood up, looked at the window and left, we tried looking for her but she wasn't anywhere on hogwarts' Hermione explains 

'but why would she go to the forest even though she knows she isn't allowed?' Ron questions 'we don't know anything, so when she wakes up, we can get our answers' Cissa says and all Y/n's friends just stare 'now, you all, off you go, it's almost diner time' Cissa says and they leave 

'they have a point, why would she go to the forest even though she knows she isn't allowed' I say and my sister nods 'we have to wait until she wakes up, just as I said, we don't know anything, she knows all the information, the only thing we saw were those people with the swords and axes' she says and I nod.

Connections ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix Lestrange x Narcissa MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz