15. Back With The Trio

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-Y/n's pov-

we arrive at the house of the order 'we can't stay here for long, if we do so, death eaters will find us' I say as we open the door, we get inside and as soon as Harry closes the door, the lights go on, then there is wind and dust forms into a body...

Dumbledore, Hermione and I scream as we duck away 'what in the whole merlin world was that?' I say, standing up 'probably Mad-eyes idea, in case Snape came snooping around' Ron says, we get to the living room.

Everything is dusty, meaning no one has been here for a while. We decide to take a rest, but that doesn't go well.

I wake up in sweat, Hermione, Ron and Harry sitting next to me 'what happened?' I ask 'you had a nightmare, screaming and sweating. Did they hurt you when they took you?' Hermione asks, I shake my head

'no, they didn't...' I say 'but I can't remember what the nightmare was about..' I add 'just go to sleep, we'll be here for you' Ron says and I nod.

'y/n, Harry, Hermione!' I wake up hearing Ron shout, I sit up, no one is with me. I stand up and walk around. I then find Ron. He's is standing in front of a room 'fabulous..' Hermione says sarcastic looking around the messy room

'no I mean this' Ron says pointing at the name tag 'Regulus Arcturus Black' I read 'R.A.B' Ron explains 'what is R.A.B?' I ask 'the locket, that Dumbledore and I got, it was fake, there was a note in it that said R.A.B' Harry explains and I frown 'what locket?' I ask 'let's go' he says and we walk to the kitchen, we sit down and Harry grabs a locket again reading the note.

Then in all of the sudden, we hear sounds, we quickly but quietly stand up walking towards the door it came from, when Harry opens it was just a stupid house elf

Harry knows the elf but I didn't recognize him, Harry started to ask the elf many questions 'Y/n, stay here, we are going to the Ministry, it isn't safe if you come with us' Hermione explains after they made the plan, I nod and they apparate away.

After a few hours I hear sounds, I stand up and walk around. Suddenly I am met by a force, pushing me back, I look up 'Snape?' I say 'ah, Potter... I mean Y/n... Riddle' he says 'what are you doing here?' I ask

'I could ask you the same, your father is going crazy at the moment, not knowing where you are' he explains 'oh my gosh, I totally forgot, the trio is getting a locket at the ministry, I was held back here' I explain

'I'll inform your father about it' he says and I nod 'thanks, but you should go, they could be back any second' I say and he nods, leaving quickly, I get back to the living room and sit down on the couch.

A few hours later I hear an apparating sound in the kitchen, I get to the kitchen and gasp. Ron, laying on the ground with a bloody arm 'what happened!?' I ask 'Essence of Dittany' Hermione just says and points to her infinity bag

I quickly grab in it and throw her the dittany thing. She then bandages his arm 'what happened?!' I ask 'Ministers came after us, they didn't catch us' Hermione explains

'but we got this' Harry says with a big smile holding the horcrux in the air 'good job!' I say with a fake happy voice imma need to inform my dad about this.

'anyway, we need to go' I then say 'why?' they ask 'hello, death eaters?' I say and they look at me with furrowed brows 'guys, if we stay here for too long, they'll find us easier' I explain and then the understand it 'finally' I mutter.

Hermione aparates us to the forest. 'let's set the camp down here, we can't take the risk of getting caught with Ron's injured arm' Hermione explains walking over to a specific place starting to wave her wand around

Connections ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix Lestrange x Narcissa MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now