41. Animagus

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-Y/n's pov-

So I am in the room of requirement, trying to make my own portal to hell so I can visit my friends anytime I want. I close my eyes, spread my arms and I feel the energy forming hell

I hear a thud and as I open my eyes, I can't believe what I see, my own portal... I did it! I made my own portal!

I walk through it and feel the same nauseous feeling as the first time, I open my eyes and smile as I see the castle, I fly towards it and the guards let me through

I fly towards the throne room 'heyyyyy' I say and walk inside 'Aurora!' Sam and Sara shout and run towards me, giving me a hug

'it's good to see you, Aurora' Sam says 'same to y'all' I say and laugh 'I was testing out my own portal so I was just saying hi, I am in the middle of my school day so I have to go again, sadly' I say

'when will we see you again?' Sara asks 'I don't know, I'll have to see' I say and she nods 'well, I gotta go again' I say and hug the two 'see you, Aurora!' they say

'bye!' I say and fly back to my portal, I get inside and quickly grab my stuff, running to my class, but when I realise I have Bella, I slow down, I walk into her class and she hasn't started yet

I sit down 'where were you, we were looking for you?' Mione says 'I was outside' I say 'ah okay' she says and looks at Bella, when it's silent she starts her lesson.

'hello class, today we're talking about Dementors' she starts.

'Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them... Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself... soulless and evil. You will be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life, and you will just be an empty shell that lost its soul.' she explains without any expression, but I can feel her nervousness.

'A Dementor was a gliding, wraithlike Dark creature, widely considered to be one of the foulest of the Dark creatures to inhabit the wizarding world. Dementors fed on human happiness and thus generated feelings of depression and despair in any person in close proximity to them. They could also consume a person's soul, leaving their victims in a permanent vegetative state, and thus were often referred to as "soul-sucking fiends", and the people they left soulless were deemed to have been turned into an empty-shell' she continues and starts to get more and more nervous, she's scared for these creatures, very scared.

'Dementors were closely associated with , as they were formerly employed by the  as the prison guards, and were not known to permanently inhibit any other location.' she adds

She sends us to work and the bell rings soon after, I grab all my stuff but don't leave 'Y/n? Why are you still here, don't you have classes?' she asks, I close the door with my magic and walk over to her 'are you okay?' I ask

'yes, I am fine' she says and avoids eye contact 'Bella, eyes here' I say and she looks at me 'I could feel your nervousness' I say and grab her hands 'I am fine, honestly, baby' she says 'no don't baby me, I know you aren't okay' I say 'and that's okay' I add

She looks down and sighs 'you got me' she whispers 'it's okay, my love' I say and kiss her 'thank you, sweet girl' she says and I smile 'get me out of class when you aren't fine' I say and kiss her again 'okay, sweet girl' she says and I smile.


I am sitting in the library, reading a book about animagusses, I need to make an essay about it and it has to be long, so I'll be sitting here for a while

Y/n Riddle

What is an Animagus?
An Animagus is a witch or wizard who could transform themselves into an animal and back again at will. It is a learned skill, unlike the hereditary skill of a Metamorphmagus. Information on Animagi is taught to Hogwarts students during their third-year Transfiguration class. An Animagus Registry existed to keep track of those that has learned to transform in this way.

Acquiring the skill
It takes skill, practice, and patience for wizards and witches to become Animagus. The process of becoming an Animagus is long and arduous, and has the potential to backfire and cause the transformation to go horribly wrong, if not even irreversible. Many witches and wizards simply feel that their time might better be employed in other ways, as the skill is of limited practical use unless one has a great need of disguise or concealment.

Part of the process by which one became an Animagus is holding the leaf of a Mandrake in their mouth for an entire month, using the leaf for the creation of a potion, reciting an incantation on a daily basis, and drinking the Animagus potion during a lightning storm. Once the initial training is over, an Animagus could then change at will, with or without the use of a wand. Animagi could use their newfound animal forms in multiple ways; for example, one who took on the form of a species capable of flight could enjoy the sensation without the need of broomsticks, flying carpets, or riding on flying animals. It is debated whether one's Animagus form could be a magical creature, and also debated if one's Animagus form could be a Dementor. The process is extremely difficult and could result in disaster if done incorrectly. A witch or wizard has to keep a single mandrake leaf in their mouth for an entire month. If the leaf is removed or swallowed, the witch or wizard would have to start over again.

At the next visible full moon, if the night happens to be cloudy, one would have to start over, the wizard has to spit the leaf in a phial within range of the moon's pure rays. To the moon-struck phial, the wizard or witch must add one of their own hairs, a silver teaspoon of dew that has not seen sunlight or been touched by human feet for seven days, and the chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth. The mixture has to then be put in a quiet, dark place, and can not be in any way disturbed. The next thing that has to happen is for the wizard to wait for an electrical storm, whenever that might be. During this waiting period the wizard would have to, at sunrise and sundown without fail, chant the incantation Amato Animo Animato Animagus with the tip of their wand placed over the heart. When, at last, there is a lightning storm, the wizard has to move immediately to a large and secure place, recite the incantation one final time, and then drink the potion.

At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the theory of Animagus transfiguration is first taught about in third year. With professor Minerva McGonagall, an Animagus herself, is it also included a practical demonstration. Talented and determined students could acquire the skill during their school years if they wish to. Professor Mcgonagall became an Animagus by the age of seventeen, being taught by Professor Dumbledore, who made a note within The Tales of Beedle the Bard to explain for her that, while Animagus are usually people who sought to avoid punishment when they break the law, she merely became one to further her studies in Transfiguration. A teacher who taught the skill did not need to be an Animagus themselves, as shown when Professor Dumbledore, who was not an Animagus, taught Minerva McGonagall how to successfully become one. At Uagadou School of Magic, a school known for its focus on self-transfiguration, students could become Animagi by the age of fourteen.

I get put out of my concentration by my friends 'what are you doing, Y/n?' Mattheo asks 'Transfiguration? Ew' Draco says 'I need to catch up for the missed days' I say and look at it

'it looks good to me' Mattheo says 'I'd rather let it read through by Tom' I say and everyone laughs.

They all sit down 'with what do you still need to catch up, we'll help' Draco says 'potions and astronomy' I say 'okay, Pansy, Mattheo and Blaise will do Astronomy as Y/n, Hermione and I do potions' Draco says and we all start to work.

Connections ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix Lestrange x Narcissa MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now