24. Weekend

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-Y/n's pov-

'so Aurora, teleportation isn't really hard to master, you just need to think about where you want to go and just believe in that you can teleport' my father explains 

'okay so if I want to appear behind you I just have to think that?' I ask and he nods, I close my eyes behind my father 

I feel the pull of teleportation and as I open my eyes, I am behind my father 'what the hell' I mutter and he  turns around 'you're a fast learner I see. Now that you know how to teleport, you should get to your school, it's late' he says and I chuckle

'have a good weekend, sweetie' he says 'you too, dad' I say and give him a hug 'goodnight, sweetie' he says 'goodnight dad' I say, I pull away and close my eyes my dorm at Hogwarts

I feel the pull of teleportation and I hear a scream of Ginny 'where the fuck did you come from!?' Ginny shouts, I open my eyes and laugh as she's laying on her bed, eyes widened, Hermione is reading a book 

'from Jupiter' I say and sit down on my bed 'nice joke' she says 'it isn't a joke' I say 'what are you talking about?' Hermione asks, laying her book away 'don't freak out okay' I say and they nod

 'so I am not a healer like you and madam Pomfrey said' I start and they frown

'I am a supernatural, I am a devil, a devil princess. I am the daughter of Lucifer Morningstar, I am Aurora Morningstar, my parents sent me to earth as a baby and I ended up as a Riddle' I continue and their eyes widen 

'Now, I was there and you-know-who was trying to contact the supernaturals, last night I went to the Riddle manor with Mattheo and Tom to get the books you-know-who was using to contact the supernaturals' I explain

'so you're a princess?' Ginny is the first one to ask something 'yes, and soon to be queen of all the supernaturals' I explain 'that is so cool' she says 

'yeah it is, and I just teleported from Jupiter to here' I explain 'but can't you just apparate?' Hermione asks 

'no, there are special barriers against witchcraft for example' I say and they nod 'well, it's late so let's get to bed, I don't want to wake up grumpy' Ginny says and we laugh, I quickly change into my pj's and get into my bed, quickly drifting off.


I walk into the great hall and see my girlfriends, they smile at me and I wave at them. I sit down at my table 'good morning everyone' I say 'Y/n, you're back!' some of them say 

'yes, I am' I say 'where were you' they asks 'you'll know soon enough' I say and I start eating 'ahw come on, tell us!' Ron says, I roll my eyes and laugh 

'so are we gonna do quidditch tryouts or are we gonna keep the team of last year?' I ask Harry 'you're the captain' he says and I chuckle 

'I forgot, you, Gin and Ron are already in, we just need one chaser, two beaters, I think that Katie, Jimmy and Ritchie are a safe bet to ask?' I say 

'yeah, they were good last season so put them in' Harry says 'okay, so Jimmy and Ritchie as beaters, Ron as keeper, Gin, Harry and Katie as chasers and I as seeker?' I say 'sounds good, the team was good last year so I bet it'll be again' Harry says 

'I'll ask them if they want to stay in the team' I say and they nod, I stand up and first walk to Jimmie and Ritchie, they're best friends so they're sitting together with some others 'hey, Jim, hey Ritchie' I say 

'hey Y/n' they say 'so I had a question, what do you two think of being the beaters this year, once again?' I ask 'I'd love that' they say at the same time 

'good, good, then those spots are for you two' I say and they cheer. 

I smile and walk away, towards Katie 'Katie' I say, she turns to me 'oh hey Y/n' she says 

'hey, what do you think of being a chaser once again this year, then we'll have the same team as last year?' I say 

'I'd like that!' she says and I smile 'good, you're in' I say and she smiles 'thanks Y/n' she says and I chuckle 

'no problem, Kate' I say and walk back to my friends 'everyone is in' I say 'good, then we don't need tryouts' Gin says 

'nope, we don't. I'm going to make a schedule for training because I want to start earlier' I say 'not earlier on the day I hope?' Ginny says 

'I know how much you love to sleep but if you want to win once again, then yes, we'll be training at the early hours' I say and she groans, making me laugh

'how was it?' Bella asks, we're taking a walk, Cissa had to do something 'great, also the spellbooks of nonose are safe, we took them before I went back to the castle' I explain and Bella nods 'good' she says and I smile. 

'he also tried contacting us so he was using them already' I say 'good that you have them safe, or else there would be trouble' she says making me chuckle.


I am laying in my bed, it's night and I can't sleep, I am just in my thoughts, as I always am. What if my dad finds out that I am alive, would he try to kill me? Or would he be relieved that I'm alive? What if he finds out I am a supernatural? Would he use me against them, as a puppet?

I groan and slap my hand against my face, I need to stop worrying about him, we fought him off once, who says we can't do it again?

I roll to my side and look out of our window, it's pouring with rain, I still am awake. I get out of my bed and put on a sweater, I look at the girls and they're asleep, I get down and sit down on the couch, as prefect, I get to walk around Hogwarts at night, even though after curfew. 

I lay down on the couch and look at our ceiling, all paintings are asleep and so are all students. Hogwarts is peaceful. 

I look at the table next to the couch and summon a glass, then I summon something to drink, spirytus Vodka, the strongest type of alcohol that is on earth. 

I grab the glass and take a few sips, after a few minutes I have an another glass, and an another. Yeah well vodka with 95% alcohol gets you drunk very fast. I get back to my room and get into the bathroom, I look at myself, I look like a mess.

I look in the cabinets and find a razor, I break the handle and get the little blade out of it, I look at it and then at my reflection, then at my arms 'how did I manage to get them, they're goddesses, and I am... Me' I say 

'how did I become a supernatural, I am just Y/n Riddle, the daughter of a snake, I am supposed to be dead but here I am, talking to myself' I say and chuckle

I then hold the blade against my wrist, I slide it down, I look at the blood, it trickles down my wrist, making me smile

I make a few other cuts but it grows boring after a few seconds, I throw the blade on the ground and turn on the tap, I slide my arm under the cold water and wince, it hurts a bit. 

I find bandages in the cabinets and I wrap my under arm in it. I get back to my room and lay down on the bed, slowly drifting off.

Connections ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix Lestrange x Narcissa MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now